<div align="center"> <img width="200px" src="./img/tiSPHi_logo_squre.png"> </div>An accurate, stable, fast, extendable fluid-solid coupling SPH solver.
For old documents about SPH, please find the doc.
06 Feb. 2023 - Still problems in all simulations!
Water dambreak
<div align="center"> <img width="600px" src="./img/sim_2022_12_14_db_WC_p.png"> </div> <div align="center"> <img width="600px" src="./img/sim_2022_11_30_db_WC_vel_3d.png"> </div>Fig. Water dambreak at 1.6s, 2D colored by pressure and 3D colored by velocity (very slow and wrong of 3D).
Granular column collapse
<div align="center"> <img width="600px" src="./img/sim_2022_12_14_cc_muI_eequ.png"> </div>Fig. Granular column collapse at 0.61s (under μ(I) model), 2D colored by accumulated equivalent total strain. You could find pairing instability problem in the left-bottom side.
- Creat or change a
, through which you can design a simulation case. - run
python --scene_file .\data\scenes\test1_db_water.json
Hot key
: control the pause/run of simulation.ESC
: stop and exit the simulation.P
: make a screenshot and save to the folder "screenshots".V
: restore the initiate view.- Press
to movedown
the camera, pressW
to moveforward
the camera. - Move the slider in
Control panel
to control the moving speed of camera (lcoked when equals to zero) or change the drawing radius of particles.
Scene file
- Configuration
"GPUmemoryPercent": 0.25, // percentage of GPU memory used in CUDA backend
"is2D": true, // `true` means the simulation is 2d. `false` means 3d
"domainStart": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], // the left-down-backward corner of the domain
"domainEnd": [3.22, 1.6, 0.5], // the right-up-forward corner of the domain
"gravitation": [0.0, -9.81, 0.0], // vector to define the gravitational acceleration
"particleRadius": 0.005, // the radius of the particles in the simulation (all have the same radius)
"kappa": 2.0, // smoothing length multiplier
"kh": 1.5, // supporting radius multiplier
"simulationMethod": 1, // 1: WCSPH, 2: µ(I)SPH, 3: DPSPH
"timeStepSizeMin": 1e-4, // the initial (and minimum) time step size used for the time integration
"boundary": 2, // 0: No boundary, 1: enforced collision bdy, 2: dummy particle bdy, 3: repulsive particle bdy, 4: repulsive+dummy particle bdy (CD-SBT)
"kernel": 1, // 0: cubic-spline kernel, 1: Wendland C2 kernel
"kernelCorrection": 0, // 0: no kernel gradient correction, 1: CSPM correction
"timeIntegration": 2, // 1: 1st order Symplectic Euler (SE), 2: 2nd order Leap-Frog (LF), 4: 4th order Runge-Kutta (RK)
"xsph": false, // `true` means using XSPH method to update the position
"colorTitle": 7, // colored variable, see `eng/`
"colorGroup": 0, // colored particle group, 0: flow, 1: flow and rigid, 2: flow, rigid and bdy
"comment": "sd, Fd", // comment shown in GUI
"stepsPerRenderUpdate": 10, // number of simulation steps per rendered frame
"pauseAtStart": true, // `true` means pause simulation at beginning
"stopEveryStep": 8000, // pause simulation at every given step value
"stopAtStep": 0, // stop simulation at given step
"exitAtStep": 0, // exit simulation at given step and make a screenshot
"stopAtTime": 0, // stop at given time
"exitAtTime": 2.4, // exit at given time and make a screenshot
"showBdyPts": true, // `true` means show the bdy particles (both dummy and repulsive particles)
"kradius": 1.15, // drawing radius multiplier
"givenMax": 5886, // maximum value in drawing (`-1` means not set)
"givenMin": -1, // minimum value in drawing (`-1` means not set)
"fixMax": 1, // `1` (true) means set the maximum value as constant, otherwise it will change until the real value is bigger than `givenMax`
"fixMin": 0, // `1` (true) means set the minimum value as constant, otherwise it will change until the real value is smaller than `givenMin`
"exportEveryTime": 0.001, // save frame in every specific time.
"exportEveryRender": 0, // save frame in specific steps. `5` means every `5 × stepsPerRenderUpdate` step will be saved in a new folder
"exportFrame": false, // save png files
"exportVTK": false, // save vtu files
"exportCSV": false // save csv files
- Materials
"Materials": [
"matId": 0, // id of the current material
"matType": 1, // 1: water or fluid
"color": [50, 100, 200], // default drawing color
"density0": 1000, // rest density, kg/m3
"viscosity": 0.005, // coefficient for the viscosity force computation
"stiffness": 50000, // stiffness coefficient of the equation of state
"exponent": 7 // exponent in the equation of state
"matId": 1,
"matType": 2, // 2: sand or granular material
"color": [180, 100, 24],
"density0": 2040,
"cohesion": 0, // cosition, Pa
"friction": 21.9, // friction, DEG
"EYoungMod": 5.84e6, // Young's modulus, Pa
"poison": 0.3, // Poison ratio
"dilatancy": 0 // dilatancy angle, DEG
- Blocks
"FluidBlocks": [
"objectId": 0, // id of the current object
"size": [1.2, 0.6, 0.2], // cube size in x, y, z direction
"translation": [0, 0, 0], // cube left-down-backward coner position
"velocity": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], // the initial velocity is set for all particles in the fluid model
"materialId": 0 // the material id of current object