

SAMix -- Spectral Adversarial MixUp for Few-Shot UDA

LICENSE 996.icu

This repository includes open-source codes, detailed experimental results and full references of our MICCAI 2023 paper Spectral Adversarial MixUp for Few-Shot Unsupervised Domain Adaptation.


<p align='center'><img src="image/overview.png" width=90% height=90% /></p>

The figure above summarizes our algorithm comparisons framework, Spectral Adversarial MixUp.


Getting started


Noted that our code is tested based on PyTorch 1.12.1

Dataset & Preparation

The two medical image datasets used in our work are publicly available.

The Fundus datasets include the REFUGE and the RIM. We follow the DoFE to preprocess the datasets.

The Camelyon dataset is a subset from the WILDS. This dataset is already preprocessed by the challenge.

Measure the sensitivity map of an ERM model

Train and evaluate an ERM model by

python ./AAAIcodeSubmissoin__model_sensitivity_map/train_ERM.py

The model will be saved in ./AAAIcodeSubmissoin__model_sensitivity_map/save_dir.

Measure the DoDiSS map of an ERM model by

python ./AAAIcodeSubmissoin__model_sensitivity_map/model_sensitivity_map.py

Train model with Spectral Adversarial Data Mixup (SAMix)

Train and evaluate the models with SADA by

python ./AAAIcodeSubmissoin__SADA/train_SADA.py

The key SAMix data augmentation module is in


Augmentation settings for all datasets:


Please cite these papers in your publications if it helps your research:

  title={Spectral Adversarial MixUp for Few-Shot Unsupervised Domain Adaptation},
  author={Zhang, Jiajin and Chao, Hanqing and Dhurandhar, Amit and Chen, Pin-Yu and Tajer, Ali and Xu, Yangyang and Yan, Pingkun},


We would like to thank the authors we cited in our paper for sharing their codes.