


rocBLAS is the AMD library for Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) on the ROCm platform. It is implemented in the HIP programming language and optimized for AMD GPUs.


Information about the library API and other user topics can be found in the rocBLAS documentation.

How to build documentation

Run the steps below to build documentation locally.

cd docs

pip3 install -r .sphinx/requirements.txt

python3 -m sphinx -T -E -b html -d _build/doctrees -D language=en . _build/html


The AMD ROCm install guide describes how to set up the ROCm repositories and install the required platform dependencies.

Installing pre-built packages

With the AMD ROCm package repositories installed, the rocblas package can be retrieved from the system package manager. For example, on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install rocblas