GLEEN - A regular path library for ARQ SparQL
The GLEEN library is a property function library for the Jena ARQ SparQL query engine.
GLEEN was developed by:
Todd Detwiler
Structural Informatics Group
University of Washington
GLEEN is currently licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0
This version of GLEEN is forked from the last released version: 0.6.1
The fork was created by Victor J. Orlikowski (Duke University) in support of the ORCA project (, which makes use of GLEEN.
This new revision ports GLEEN forward to currently supported versions of JENA ( There are two branches in the code - master branch tied to Jena 2.11.0 and producing Gleen artifact with version 0.6.3-jena-2.11.0-SNAPSHOT. The other branch is called JENA_3_3_0 and produces an artifact with version 0.6.3-jena-3.3.0-SNAPSHOT.
For this revision of GLEEN, simply check out the source, make sure you have a recent version of maven, and type:
mvn clean compile