

Quantum Game 2

A puzzle game with photons, superposition and quantum measurement, right in your browser. With true quantum mechanics underneath!

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Quantum Game is currently being developed by dr Piotr Migdał, Klem Jankiewicz, Paweł Grabarz and Philippe Cochin. Concept art by Chiara Decaroli and generative music by Pawel Janicki and others. The full list of contributors.

This version of the game was funded by the Center for Quantum Technologies of the National University of Singapore and now being developed by the Quantum Flytrap.

Quantum Game 2 logo

The current version uses subcomponents:

You can play the old version (2014-2016) here; its source is at stared/quantum-game.

Centre for Quantum Technologies - National University of Singapore


You need to have yarn installed. Then, after cloning install dependencies with:


And run it with:

yarn serve

In-game screenshot from Quantum Game 2


It as an open-source project and we appreciate contributions.


Please report all errors using Issues. Please be explicit what is wrong, and what is the desired behavior. Screenshots do help a lot.