

Exposing the Deception: Uncovering More Forgery Clues for Deepfake Detection

This repo is the official implementation of “Exposing the Deception: Uncovering More Forgery Clues for Deepfake Detection”. Accepted by AAAI-2024.


Our code is implemented and evaluated on pytorch. The following packages are used by our code.

Our code is evaluated on Python 3.8.11 and CUDA 11.7.


Prepare Datasets

|-- FF++ < dataset name >
    |-- train_fake.txt < data line: label,path,the number of frames\n >
    |-- train_real.txt
    |-- val_fake.txt
    |-- val_real.txt
    |-- test_fake.txt
    |-- test_real.txt
|-- Celeb-DF-V1
    |-- ...
|-- ...

Train Models

You should make output and logs folders to save files of the model and log before running the following command.

python training.py  --name                                      \

                    (arguments for training)
                    --gpu_num 0,1                                                   \
                    --model resnet,efficientnet,mobilenet                           \
                    --epoch 20                                                      \
                    --weight_decay 1e-6                                             \ 
                    --lr 1e-3                                                       \
                    --bs 256                                                        \
                    --test_bs 1000                                                  \
                    --num_workers 12                                                \
                    --size 224                                                      \
                    --dataset FF++_c23,Celeb-DF-v2,Celeb-DF-v1,DFDC-Preview,DFDC    \
                    --mixup True                                                    \
                    --alpha 0.5                                                     \

                    (arguments for loss)
                    --lil_loss True                             \
                    --gil_loss True                             \
                    --temperature 1.5                           \
                    --mi_calculator kl                          \
                    --balance_loss_method auto,hyper            \
                    --scales [1,2,10]                           \

                    (model parameters)
                    --num_LIBs 4                                \
                    --resume_model output/{name}/....           \

                    --test False                                \
                    --save_model True                           \
                    --save_path output                          \

The following is a description of some parameters in the configuration file:


  title={Exposing the Deception: Uncovering More Forgery Clues for Deepfake Detection},
  author={Ba, Zhongjie and Liu, Qingyu and Liu, Zhenguang and Wu, Shuang and Lin, Feng and Lu, Li and Ren, Kui},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.01786},