

QQ group: 姿态检测&跟踪 781184396

Person ReID

The codes are expanded on a ReID-baseline

Bag of tricks

Loss function

  1. "ranked_loss", SoftMax(LS) + w*RLL, results as "Results". For RLL I use Ranked List Loss for Deep Metric Learning, and made some modifications.

  2. "cranked_loss", SoftMax(LS) + w*RLL(kmeans), before compute RLL i use kemeans to cluster features to help find hard samples. Now I can only get same performance to ranked_loss, so not report results.


<div align=center> <img src='configs/net.png' width='800'> </div>


<div align=center> <img src='configs/res.png' width='800'> </div>


NOTE: For the the limitations of the device (GTX1060 6G), while training Se_ResNet50 and Se_ResNext50 i can only set batchsize = 48, others is 64.

Get Started

  1. cd to folder where you want to download this repo

  2. Run git clone https://github.com/Qidian213/Ranked_Person_ReID

  3. Install dependencies:

  4. Prepare dataset

    Create a directory to store reid datasets under this repo or outside this repo. Remember to set your path to the root of the dataset in config/defaults.py for all training and testing or set in every single config file in configs/ or set in every single command.

    You can create a directory to store reid datasets under this repo via

    cd data


        market1501 # this folder contains 6 files.


        	DukeMTMC-reID # this folder contains 8 files.
  5. Prepare pretrained model if you don't have


    from torchvision import models


    import torch.utils.model_zoo as model_zoo
    model_zoo.load_url('the pth you want to download (specific urls are listed in  ./modeling/backbones/senet.py)')

    Then it will automatically download model in ~/.torch/models/, you should set this path in config/defaults.py for all training or set in every single training config file in configs/ or set in every single command.

    (3)ResNet_IBN_a , faster implementation

    You can download from here [link]

    (4)Load your self-trained model If you want to continue your train process based on your self-trained model, you can change the configuration PRETRAIN_CHOICE from 'imagenet' to 'self' and set the PRETRAIN_PATH to your self-trained model.

  6. If you want to know the detailed configurations and their meaning, please refer to config/defaults.py. If you want to set your own parameters, you can follow our method: create a new yml file, then set your own parameters. Add --config_file='configs/your yml file' int the commands described below, then our code will merge your configuration. automatically.


  1. Market1501
python tools/train.py --config_file='configs/softmax_ranked.yml' DATASETS.NAMES "('market1501')" 
  1. DukeMTMC-reID
python tools/train.py --config_file='configs/softmax_ranked.yml' DATASETS.NAMES "('dukemtmc')" 


python tools/test.py --config_file='configs/softmax_ranked.yml' MODEL.DEVICE_ID "('your device id')" DATASETS.NAMES "('market1501')" TEST.FEAT_NORM "('yes')" TEST.RE_RANKING "('no')" MODEL.PRETRAIN_CHOICE "('self')" TEST.WEIGHT "('your path to trained checkpoints')"

Using and Compute threshold of negative and postive samples

  1. DukeMTMC-reID
<div align=center> <img src='configs/duke_an.png' width='800'> </div> <div align=center> <img src='configs/duke_ap.png' width='800'> </div>
  1. Market1501
<div align=center> <img src='configs/mar_an.png' width='800'> </div> <div align=center> <img src='configs/mar_ap.png' width='800'> </div>


python tools/demo.py 

Compute threshold , to compute threshold i use the hardest samples of negative and postive samples in a batchsizes.

python tools/compute_threshold.py --config_file='configs/softmax_ranked.yml' MODEL.PRETRAIN_CHOICE "('self')"  DATASETS.NAMES "('market1501')" TEST.WEIGHT "('models/resnet50_ibn_a/mar_resnet50_ibn_a_model.pth')"