

Reevaluating Adversarial Examples in Natural Language

This repository contains code and datasets for the experiments in "Reevaluating Adversarial Examples in Natural Language."


Section 3

Section 5

To generated adjusted exmaples using TFAdjusted's attack recipe, see section_6_adjusted_attacks/recipes/textfooler_2019_jin_adjusted.py (detailed under Section 6 header).

5.1 Adjusted Constraint Application

5.2 Adversarial Training

Section 6

Running the attacks with adjusted thresholds

Both attack recipes in section_6_adjusted_attacks/recipes/*.py are easily runnable by installing TextAttack and using its --attack-from-file parameter.

For example, to run AlzantotAdjusted on 5 samples from the MR datase against TextAttack's default bert-base-uncased model fine-tuned on MR, run the following command:

textattack attack --model bert-base-uncased-mr --attack-from-file section_6_adjusted_attacks/recipes/alzantot_2018_adjusted.py --num-examples 5

Or to run TFAdjusted on 5 examples on an LSTM fine-tuned for AGNews:

textattack attack --model lstm-ag-news --attack-from-file section_6_adjusted_attacks/recipes/textfooler_jin_2019_adjusted.py --num-examples 5

These attacks have been tested using TextAttack v0.2.10.



  title={Reevaluating Adversarial Examples in Natural Language},
  author={Morris, John X and Lifland, Eli and Lanchantin, Jack and Ji, Yangfeng and Qi, Yanjun},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.14174},