

What is Q-DPP

Q-DPP is a novel function approximator for cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning problems based on determinantal point process (DPP). Q-DPP promotes agents to acquire diverse behavioral models; this allows a natural factorization for the joint Q-functions with no need for a priori structural constraints (e.g. the monotonicity constraint in QMIX), requirements often posed by centralized-training-decentralized-exeuction methods. A bonus of Q-DPP is that it offers an unified view of current major solvers including VDN, QMIX, and QTRAN.

How to run Q-DPP

conda create -n dpp python=3.5
conda activate dpp
pip install -r requirements.txt
conda install matplotlib
conda develop add ./ma-gym
cd pymarl
bash install_sc2.sh
cd pymarl
python src/main.py --config=qdpp --env-config=grid
python src/main.py --config=qmix --env-config=grid  with env_args.game_name=Spread-v0 
cd pymarl/scripts
bash head_run.sh

The Performance of Q-DPP

We evaluate Q-DPP on five different games against popular baseline models, and present the executable commands for reproducibility and corresponding experimental performance.

Multi-Step Matrix GameDiscrete
Blocker GameDiscrete
Coordinated NavigationDiscrete
Predator-Prey (2 vs 1 & 4 vs 1)Discrete
StarCraft II (2m_vs_1z)Continuous
cd pymarl
python src/main.py --config=qdpp_nmatrix --env-config=nmatrix_idx with embedding_init=normal


cd pymarl
python src/main.py --config=qdpp_prey --env-config=grid_prey5
python src/main.py --config=qdpp_prey --env-config=grid_prey7
python src/main.py --config=qdpp_spread --env-config=grid_spread
python src/main.py --config=qdpp_blocker --env-config=grid

Blocker Game:


Coordinated Navigation:




cd pymarl
python src/main.py --config=qdpp --env-config=sc2 with env_args.map_name=2m_vs_1z



We have added Q-DPP into pymarl. The implementation is in ./pymarl/src/ with qdpp in their file names, including ./pymarl/src/controllers/qdpp_controller.py, ./pymarl/src/learners/qdppq_learner.py and ./pymarl/src/modules/mixers/qdpp.py.

Please check your environment, especially ma-gym package. Since we modified some parts of the package, please make sure that you installed ma-gym with the one that we provided. If you are testing on StarCraft environment, you can execute the following command in your terminal to check if SC2 is installed:

echo $SC2PATH

A valid directory is expected. Empirically, the provided codes should work well with PyTorch v1.4.0. Due to NVIDIA driver issues, it is still possible to see incompatible datatype errors raised. We recommend to check if data are copied to correct devices via commands like .cuda() or .cpu().