


The vite plugin that automatically generates sidebar data by scanning directories, based on vitepress

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✨ Feature

🚀 Automatically create the sidebar data and injected into config.ThemeConfig.sidebar

🤖 Listen globally for *.md files to automatically update sidebar data when they are added or deleted

🕯️ Usage

install vite-plugin-vitepress-auto-sidebar

# recommend using pnpm packageManager
pnpm i vite-plugin-vitepress-auto-sidebar
# or yarn
yarn add vite-plugin-vitepress-auto-sidebar
# or npm
npm install vite-plugin-vitepress-auto-sidebar

add plugin in .vitepress/config.ts

import AutoSidebar from 'vite-plugin-vitepress-auto-sidebar';

export default defineConfig({
  vite: {
    plugins: [
      // add plugin
        // You can also set options to adjust sidebar data
        // see option document below

Warning, you must clear the sidebar objects in the config.ts or it may not work properly

pnpm run dev

 [auto-sidebar] injected sidebar data successfully

If you see the above message, it means the plugin is working properly, otherwise there may be a problem

🛠️ Options


ignoreListignore specified folderstring[]true
pathcreate scan path for the sidebarstring/docs
scanRootMdFilesscan the md file in pathbooleantrue
ignoreIndexItemignore the page sidebar with only index.mdbooleanfalse
collapsedBy adding collapsed option to the sidebar group, it shows a toggle button to hide/show each section,For specific usage, please refer to VitePressbooleanfalse
deletePrefixdeletes the md file prefixstring
titleFromFileread title from md filebooleanfalse
titleFromFileByYamlread title from yaml configbooleanfalse


You can change the injected sidebar object using the hooks parameter

sideBarResolvedreceive complete sidebar objects for custom modifications(data: DefaultTheme.SidebarMulti) => DefaultTheme.SidebarMulti
sideBarItemsResolvedreceive complete sidebar subItem objects for custom modifications(data: DefaultTheme.SidebarItem[]) => DefaultTheme.SidebarItem[]
beforeCreateSideBarItemsobtain a list of file names scanned before generating sidebar subitems. If you want to sort sidebar data, it is recommended to use it(data: string[]) => string[]


MIT License © 2023 QC2168