

IISHelper Plugin

IDA Pro plugin to aid with the analysis of native IIS modules.


Copy both iis_helper_plugin.py and iis_helper_classes.py to the plugins directory of your IDA Pro installation.

For example, if using IDA 8.3 on Windows, you can find this directory as %PROGRAMFILES%\IDA Pro 8.3\plugins.

Running the plugin

To run the plugin, either go to Edit -> Plugins -> IISHelper, or use the shortcut CTRL+ALT+I. This plugin will then take the following actions:

Once the script has finished running, you can locate the implemented methods to determine the ones of interest, and start reverse engineering them further.

Example output

Retyping the RegisterModule export: Retyped RegisterModule export

Automatically renamed virtual methods for the IIS class: Renamed virtual methods

Automatically retyped variables for a implemented method: Retyped example function