

Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the UK

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This is the main source code for the Coronavirus Dashboard service.

There are two additional repositories associated with this project:

Development and contribution

We welcome contributions by everyone. Please read the contributions guide for additional information.

How can I help?

We have a public project management board that shows outstanding issues to which everyone can contribute. Pick a ticket, assign it to yourself and move it to the Doing column, and you will be all set to start. There is also the outstanding issues from which you can choose, but let us know that you are working on it so that multiple people don't end. up doing the same task.

No contribution is too small. We welcome help from everyone. Get in touch if you need additional information. We are here to help.

Cloning the code for re-deployment

If your service isn’t on GOV.UK

You are welcome to use the GOV.UK patterns and frontend code even if your service isn’t considered part of GOV.UK. Although you will sometimes need to use different patterns, for example if you are building something like an admin interface.

While you can use the patterns, your site or service must not:

These things are there to provide a consistent identity and navigation between GOV.UK and the sites and transactional services that hang off it. If your service isn’t on GOV.UK, there’s no need to maintain that identity - in fact, you might confuse or mislead people if you do.

You should also use the brand logo and font of your organisation.

Please consult the GOV.UK Service Manual for additional information.

If you are re-deploying the website as a service

Please only clone our master branch for redeployment. All other contents, data, and branches that are either outside of the master branch or not otherwise used as a part of it - i.e. the associating assets - are copyrighted materials and therefore excluded from the MIT license until they receieve the necessary approvals to be merged.

Please note that other branches may contain experimental development contents and prototypes. We routinely create such materials so that they can be discussed, improved, and be put forward for approval purposes.

You are welcome to use the development branch as describeed in the Contributors' Guide to help us improve the service and make a contribution.


This service is developed and maintained by NHSX and Public Health England.