


Change your assistant language by asking it!

Clone this repository on your raspberry:

git clone https://github.com/Psychokiller1888/snipslanghotswap.git

Cd to the directory

cd snipslanghotswap

Make langSwitch.sh executable:

sudo chmod +x langSwitch.sh

Now, you will need one assistant per language. Add the corresponding app to your assistants

For english: Language Switch

For french: Changement de langue

For german: Sprache wechsel

Extract them and upload them to /assistants/assistant_XX where XX is the language code. Exemple: the french assistant goes to assistant_fr

If you are already running snips, delete the old assistant:

sudo rm -r /usr/share/snips/assistant

Copy the english assistant

sudo cp -r assistants/assistant_en /usr/share/snips/assistant

Restart snips:

sudo systemctl restart "snips*"

Start the script:

python main.py

In another Kitty/Putty instance, or another terminal, start snips-watch

snips-watch -v

How it's made and how can I repro this

They key behind that is to have different assistants, in their own directories, with the same bundles and most importantly, the same intents, but trained in their own language! You can easily extend this by adding other language assistants and declare their shortcode in main.py line 17, add a confirmation message on line 30 and add an answer on line 36

This demo has one bundle with two intents:

This demo supports english, french and german.

Then, a simple call to langSwitch.sh with the language shortcode is enough to switch. The very small bash script will remove the old assistant, copy the new one in place, restart snips, wait a short while as it's needed. Then the script will continue and confirm the switch in the new language.

The current language is kept in a sqlite3 database, in a table called "config" that can be extended to your own needs. The table has two columns "configName" and "configValue", TEXT as NOT NULL. Be aware that the table doesn't have any unique identifier if you intend to use it



To switch language you have (replace language by either english, french or german):

To ask the language (replace language by either english, french or german):

Logs screenshot