

Proton Mail for Android

Copyright (c) 2024 Proton Technologies AG


We’ve recently rebuilt the app and are focused on our current roadmap of features and fixes. Therefore, we are not accepting new issues or PRs at the moment: feel free to fork the repo for your own experiments. We appreciate your understanding and support.

Build instructions


CI stages are defined in the .gitlab-ci.yml file and we rely on fastlane to implement most of them. Fastlane can be installed and used locally by performing

bundle install

(requires Ruby and bundler to be available locally)

bundle exec fastlane lanes

will show all the possible actions that are available.

UI Tests

UI tests are executed on Firebase Test Lab through the CI. UI tests must run on a dev flavour (devDebug for instance).

While instrumented tests can be run locally with no additional setup, in order to run the tests located in the app/src/uiTest folder, some assets (users.json and internal_api.json for instance) might need to be downloaded and configured.


Each merge to main branch builds the branch's HEAD and deploys it to Firebase App Distribution.


All release builds done on CI are automatically signed with ProtonMail's keystore. In order to perform signing locally, the keystore will need to be placed into the keystore/ directory and the credentials will be read from private.properties file.


Crashes and errors that happen in release (non debuggable) builds are reported to Sentry in an anonymized form. The CI sets up the integration with Sentry by providing in the build environment private.properties and sentry.properties files that contain the secrets needed. This can as well be performed locally by creating private.properties and sentry.properties files and filling them with the needed secrets (eg. SentryDSN; for more details about the sentry.properties file, see https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/android/gradle/#proguardr8--dexguard).

Use core libraries from local git submodule

It is possible to run the application getting the "core" libraries from the local git submodule instead of gradle by setting the following flag to true in gradle.properties file:


Code style

This project's code style and formatting is checked by detekt. The rule set is ktlint's default one



The code and data files in this distribution are licensed under the terms of the GPLv3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. See https://www.gnu.org/licenses/ for a copy of this license.