

Rethink Data Manager

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RDM (Rethink Data Manager) is a service to comunicate other systems to the database of the project, using a RethinkDB. An interface with database operations are available through a websocket server.


RDM runs in the websocket format, so it expects a message on the communication channel, the initial message must be an JSON in the following format:

    "id": "4bb803f2-68d8-4464-879f-3bf65aa9cc9f", # UUID packet identifier
    "type": "rethink-manager-call", # Expected call type for RDM, different calls will be ignored
    "payload": { # Inside the payload you will have the data that will be used for database transactions. They will vary according to the call
        "database": "test", # The operation database schema (required)
        "table": "test", # The operation database table (required)
        "data": { # JSON object of the operation (insert and update)
            "key": "value",
            "other_key": 2
        "identifier": "a02263d6-fb4e-4cc0-ab81-0684fbe72df8" # Operation identifier (selection or deletion)
    "time": "2019-05-18T20:59:26.346996Z" # Request date and time in RFC3339 format



RDM allows a dynamic configuration based on some environment variables, they aim to speed up some changes and are used in the service, below a list of variables and what their role in RDM:

Example of setting an environment variable:

export ReDB_HOST=''

If the above command is executed on the terminal it will be valid only while the session of that terminal is alive, for a more lasting configuration edit the .bashrc or .profile of your machine, so the configured environment variables will always be available in the system. If you want to use the service in the format of a docker container, configure the .env file in the project's root folder and do as shown below in the RDM build and deploy section.


For development, it is enough to have Python 3 and the other project dependencies installed on your machine (which are explained below), in addition to your preferred text editor.

Before installing the environment tools, make sure that you have a RethinkDB database running for testing. RDM still needs database pytest_schema to exist, with tables pytest_empty_table and pytest_table so that tests can be runned.

Installing VirtualEnvWrapper

We recommend using a virtual environment created by the virtualenvwrapper module. There is a virtual site with English instructions for installation that can be accessed here. But you can also follow these steps below for installing the environment:

sudo python3 -m pip install -U pip             # Update pip
sudo python3 -m pip install virtualenvwrapper  # Install virtualenvwrapper module

Observation: If you do not have administrator access on the machine remove sudo from the beginning of the command and add the flag --user to the end of the command.

Now configure your shell to use virtualenvwrapper by adding these two lines to your shell initialization file (e.g. .bashrc, .profile, etc.)

export WORKON_HOME=\$HOME/.virtualenvs
source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh

If you want to add a specific project location (will automatically go to the project folder when the virtual environment is activated) just add a third line with the following export:

export PROJECT_HOME=/path/to/project

Run the shell startup file for the changes to take effect, for example:

source ~/.bashrc

Now create a virtual environment with the following command (entering the name you want for the environment), in this example I will use the name rethink:

mkvirtualenv -p $(which python3) rethink

To use it:

workon rethink
sudo python3 -m pip install pipenv # Or
sudo apt install pipenv # On Debian based distributions
pipenv install # Will install all of the project dependencies

Observaion: Again, if necessary, add the flag --user to make the pipenv package installation for the local user.

RDM Operations

The RDM service offers some operations from the RethinkDB database, most of which are related to common operations with CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) of objects. Listed below are the operations that websocket offers from the URL of your address:

Operation used to check the health of the RDM service. There is no need to send any data, just a call and the service should return the message:

Server Up and Running!

The call URL will depend on the configuration of host and the port of webscoket, but the example in local tests would be localhost:8765/health.

Operation used to insert data into the database. The message model for sending and to guarantee the operation is:

    "id": "df03c48c-62fb-4f07-8a4b-7610fbe3adca",
    "type": "rethink-data-call",
    "payload": {
        "database": "database", # schema name
        "table": "table", # table name
        "data": { # JSON object to be inserted
            "key": 1
    "time": "2019-05-18T22:34:52.490439Z"

Therefore, for insertion, in the payload there should be the information of database, table and data (JSON object).

The call URL will depend on the configuration of host and the port of webscoket, but the example in local tests would be localhost:8765/insert.

Operation to search for a single object in the database. The message model for sending and to guarantee the operation is:

    "id": "929b113d-91ab-41ab-87ca-7bc0e704fc7f",
    "type": "rethink-data-call",
    "payload": {
        "database": "database", # schema name
        "table": "table", # table name
        "identifier": "2a33eda5-040c-40dc-ba1e-dcb8d2f5b140" # object identifier to get
    "time": "2019-05-18T22:40:20.755916Z"

Therefore, for the selection, in the payload there must be the information of the database, table and the identifier. The identifier being the key to the object that you want to retrieve within RethinkDB.

The call URL will depend on the configuration of host and the port of webscoket, but the example in local tests would be localhost:8765/get.

Operation to list all objects in a table in the database. The message model for sending and to guarantee the operation is:

    "id": "a5093f52-bde6-4c74-8989-c36d00e7d7b5",
    "type": "rethink-data-call",
    "payload": {
        "database": "database", # schema name
        "table": "table" # table name
    "time": "2019-05-18T22:42:35.267029Z"

Therefore, for the listing, in the payload there should be the information from the database and the table.

The calling URL will depend on the configuration of host and the port of webscoket, but the example in local tests would be localhost:8765/get_all.

Operation to list all objects in a table in the database with a filter (condition). The message model for sending and to guarantee the operation is:

    "id": "a5093f52-bde6-4c74-8989-c36d00e7d7b5",
    "type": "rethink-data-call",
    "payload": {
        "database": "database", # schema name
        "table": "table", # table name
        "filter": "{'races': 1}" # search filter for objects
    "time": "2019-05-18T22:42:35.267029Z"

Therefore, for the listing, in the payload there should be the information from the database, the table and the filter condition for selection.

The call URL will depend on the configuration of host and the port of webscoket, but the example in local tests would be localhost:8765/filter.

Operation to update a database object. The message model for sending and to guarantee the operation is:

    "id": "1174969a-c838-49cb-9751-66bb1be22af9",
    "type": "rethink-data-call",
    "payload": {
        "database": "database", # schema name
        "table": "table", # table name
        "identifier": "23af3f1e-ee59-462a-bf41-abbb974ae3ea", # ID of the object you want to update (the IDs generated by RethinkDB for the objects also use the UUID format)
        "data": { # Update declaration (the keys and values that are in the declaration will be updated or added), being a JSON object
            "key": 1
    "time": "2019-05-18T22:34:52.490439Z"

Therefore, for updating, in the payload there must be the information of the database, table, identifier (here must contain the ID of the object you want to update, it can be retrieved by the operation get or get_all) and data (the update declaration must be included here, so the JSON object contained in that key will update the keys and values that exist in the object, if any keys do not exist, they will be included).

The call URL will depend on the configuration of host and the port of webscoket, but the example in local tests would be localhost:8765/update.

Operation to delete an object in the database. The message model for sending and to guarantee the operation is:

    "id": "f2da2d37-01c7-4a42-b681-dc4dfa3dc225",
    "type": "rethink-data-call",
    "payload": {
        "database": "database", # schema name
        "table": "table", # table name
        "identifier": "efa67d0b-0d63-4962-b7a7-440ae2ee0848" # ID of the object to be deleted (the IDs generated by RethinkDB for the objects also use the UUID format)
    "time": "2019-05-18T22:53:13.594738Z"

Therefore, for deletion, in the payload there should be the information of database, table and identifier (here must contain the ID of the object you want to delete, it can be recovered by the operation get or get_all). Remember that this action will delete the object and cannot be undone.

The call URL will depend on the configuration of host and the port of webscoket, but the example in local tests would be localhost:8765/delete.

Operation to delete all objects from a table in the database. The message model for sending and to guarantee the operation is:

    "id": "b991a2c2-c4c9-4e69-a760-aebb173fcafe",
    "type": "rethink-data-call",
    "payload": {
        "database": "database", # schema name
        "table": "table" # table name
    "time": "2019-05-18T22:57:42.552426Z"

Therefore, for the deletion of all objects, in the payload there must be the information from the database and table. Remember that this action will delete all objects and cannot be undone.

The call URL will depend on the configuration of host and the port of webscoket, but the example in local tests would be localhost:8765/delete_all.

Operation to create a new table in the database schema. The message model for sending and to guarantee the operation is:

    "id": "026b20aa-5fa1-4c28-b506-2ee24096fb74",
    "type": "rethink-data-call",
    "payload": {
        "database": "database", # schema name
        "table": "new_table" # new table name
    "time": "2019-05-18T23:01:41.355693Z"

Therefore, for the creation of the table, in the payload there must be the information from the database and table (the names of the tables can only have alphanumeric characters, cannot start in digits and the only accepted character to separate words is the underscore _).

The calling URL will depend on the configuration of host and the port of webscoket, but the example in local tests would be localhost:8765/create_table.

Observation: Any error that occurs in the operations the response package must send a message. For more complete information just check the RDM logs.

Local Execution

For local system execution, run the following command in the project root folder (assuming virtualenv is already active):

python src/main.py

This command will upload the RDM server and after a few moments it will be ready for use.

To test communication with a client just run the code on another terminal, also present in the project:

python3 src/client.py

That way it is possible to do tests.

Ensure that RethinkDB is running and accessible, and, if necessary, configure the other variables within service/service.py.


To run the RDM tests follow the script below:

  1. Enable virtualenv rethink;

  2. Ensure that the dependencies are installed, especially:

  3. Run the commands below:

export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)                   # Set the python path as the project folder
pytest src/                                # Performs the tests
pytest --cov=src src/                      # Performs tests evaluating coverage
pytest --cov=src --cov-report xml src/     # Generate the XML report of coverage
flake8 src/ --ignore=E501,F541             # Run PEP8 linter
unset PYTHONPATH                           # Unset PYTHONPATH variable

During the tests the terminal will display a output with the test report (failures, skips and successes) and the system test coverage. For other configurations and supplemental documentation go to pytest and coverage.

During the lint process the terminal will report a bug report and warnings from the PEP8 style guide, for more configurations and additional documentation go to flake8 and PEP8


Para construir e rodar o container do microsserviço basta rodar os seguintes comandos:

docker run -it -d --add-host=database: --name rethinkdb -v "$PWD:/data" -p 8081:8080 -P rethinkdb:latest
docker build -t rethink-data-manager:latest .
docker run -d --name rethink-data-manager -p 8765:8765 --env-file .env --link=rethinkdb:database rethink-data-manager:latest

OBSERVATION: The first command will create a running docker instance of RethinkDB