


build License: GPL v3 Coverage Status

HavokLib is an independent Havok packfile serialize and XML store library for C++.
In addition, it can output packfile formats into XML/Bin under any available version. This library can possibly upgrade/downgrade between versions.
Library can also store classic data for XML direct export.
Library uses wrapper for a python 3 module.
Library is compilable under Clang 10, Windowns Clang 13.0.1 and G++10.


Toolset can be found in Toolset folder

Toolset releases

Supported formats/toolset versions

Havok 5.0.0 - 2017

It also supports both endians, both x86 and x64 platforms and files compiled for all available compilers.
For versions 2015+, there aren't any samples for unit tests. Only MSVC formats tested!
This library doesn't support loading tagfiles and never will.
Binary exporting is an experimental feature for now.

Supported classes

Supported XML classes

Python wrapper classes

Binary export classes (v5 - v2014)

Library Diagram


This library is available under GPL v3 license. (See LICENSE.md)

This library uses following libraries: