

Powershell Console/Terminal Graph

Consumes data points as input and plots them on a 2D graph in the Powershell console

Type of Graphs Available -

  1. Scatter

  2. Bar

  3. Line


PowerShell v5 and Later

You can install the Graphical module directly from the PowerShell Gallery

PowerShell v4 and Earlier

To install to your personal modules folder run:

iex (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PrateekKumarSingh/Graphical/master/Install.ps1')


Use Cases

  1. The function Show-Graph takes data points as input and plot them on a 2D graph

    You can also customize the labels on X and Y-Axis and provide a graph title

    The function Show-Graph can consume data points, generated during script execution or from a file or database like in the above example.

  2. Plotting Audio Peak Levels in your PowerShell Console (Don't forget to play some audio! :P)

    Install-Module AudioDeviceCmdlets, Graphical
    Import-Module AudioDeviceCmdlets, Graphical -Verbose
    $Device = Get-AudioDevice -Playback
    [int[]]$datapoints =@(0)*50
    do {
        $PeakValue = $Device.Device.AudioMeterInformation.MasterPeakValue*100
        $datapoints += [int]$PeakValue
        $datapoints = $datapoints | Select-Object -last 50
        Show-Graph -datapoints $datapoints -GraphTitle AudioLevels
        Show-Graph -datapoints $datapoints -GraphTitle AudioLevels -Type Line
        Show-Graph -datapoints $datapoints -GraphTitle AudioLevels -Type Scatter
        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1000
    } while ($true)
    <img src="https://github.com/PrateekKumarSingh/PSConsoleGraph/blob/master/img/AudioPeakLevels.gif" width="850" height="500" />
  3. Visualizing Azure Monitor Metrics like CPU %age on a Virtual machine in #PowerShell

$ResourceID = '/subscriptions/<subscription>/resourceGroups/demo-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/SimpleWinVM'
$Data = Get-AzMetric -ResourceId $ResourceID  -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object unit, data
$Datpoints = $data.data.average.foreach({[int]$_})

Import-Module Graphical
Show-Graph -Datapoints $Datpoints -GraphTitle 'CPU (% age)'
