


Welcome to your one stop for PowerShell development tools! This project is designed to help you with accelerating your coding workflows through a wide range of utilities. Its flagship feature is a templating engine that allows you to swiftly create new projects - either by using some of the default templates or easily creating your own.

Online Documentation

As this module is part of the PSFramework project, its documentation can be found on PSFramework.org.

As ever, documentation takes time out of "more features!", so there could be more, but at least the templating is covered in depth.


To get read to use this module, run this:

Install-Module PSModuleDevelopment -Scope CurrentUser


With that you are ready to go and have fun with it. A few examples of what it can do for you:

Create a new module project

Invoke-PSMDTemplate MiniModule

Parse a script file and export all functions into dedicated files

Split-PSMDScriptFile -File .\largescript.ps1 -Path .\functions

Fix all the file encodings

Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File | Set-PSMDEncoding

Fix parameter blocks

Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File | Set-PSMDCmdletBinding

Get better members

Get-Date | Get-PSMDMember -Name ToString

Search for Assemblies and Types

# List all assemblies

# Search for types in that assembly
Get-PSMDAssembly *ActiveDirectory* | Find-PSMDType

# Search for all types implementing IEnumerable
Find-PSMDType -Implements IEnumerable

# Get Constructors
[DateTime] | Get-PSMDConstructor