


Adds a customizable "Send to..."-context-menu to your BurpSuite.

Burp-Send-To-Extension Tab


After loading the extension the "Send to"-Tab contains all necessary options to configure the "Send to"-context-menu.

New context-menu-entries can be added using the "Add"-button. Each entry consists of following fields:

After creating new context-menu-entries using the "Add"-button they can be edited or deleted again using the "Edit"- and "Remove"-button. In addition the order in which they appear in the context-menu can be altered using the "Up"- and "Down"-button.

Burp-Send-To-Extension Tab


The "Send to..." context-menu contains all entries which were added in the "Send to"-Tab. In addition you can add new entries via the "Custom command..."-context-menu-entry.

Burp-Send-To-Extension Context-Menu Burp-Send-To-Extension Context-Menu

Save and load options

Usually the options of the "Send to"-Tab are saved automatically. However, if you switch computers you may save and load your current options. This can be done by clicking on the gear-symbol in the upper-left corner of the "Send to"-Tab and select the appropriate context-menu-entry.

Burp-Send-To-Extension Options

Security Notes

Executing commands based on untrusted input always introduces the risk of command injection. This is especially true when using the %S placeholder. Thus it is recommended to always activate the Show preview option when using the %S placeholder and closely analyse commands in the preview window prior to execution.

Burp-Send-To-Extension Options


This project was built using IntelliJ and Gradle. When you make changes to the source (and especially the GUI) you should apply following settings within Intellij to make sure that everything builds successfully:

When the GUI is not updated correctly you may rebuild the project manually:

After that you can execute the "fatJar"-task within the "build.gradle"-file. This will produce a jar in the "build/libs/" directory called "burp-send-to-extension-{version}.jar".