

Dile Components V2

This is the "dile-components" catalog monorepo, a library of Custom Elements based on Lit and Web Components.

If you are looking for the previous version of this component catalog, you can find it in this repository: https://github.com/Polydile/Components-legacy

Packages in This Repository

To utilize this component library, follow these steps.


First install the repository where the desired component is located. For instance, to use the UI custom elements, install @dile/ui:

npm install @dile/ui

Component usage

To utilize a component from this library, you must import the element you need. For example, to use the toast feedback element, use the following import:

import '@dile/ui/components/toast/toast';

After importing, you can use the component in your application like so:


Complete docs

You will find a complete list of the custom elements, along with their properties, methods, events, and examples on the dile-components website:



If you like to contribute publishing a component to this library, you will find a complete guide to understand the components organization.