


Real-Time Global Illumination - University of Leeds MSc Project.

Demo: https://youtu.be/b3ZG4T-qT6g



Visual Studio 2019 Vulkan SDK

Python script is used to compile shaders.

Open the solution and build, if the Vulkan SDK not found change the project settings.

How to use:

The software load the Sponza scene by default. with default Irradiance Volumes.</br> Click Build to recompte the lighting.</br>

To load different scenes drag & drop .gltf files into the window. (.rtgi json files are used to load irradiance volumes see the example in Sponza directory).</br> To edit/insert irradaince volumes create/edit .rtgi files with the same name as the .gltf file. reload the scene by drag & drop the new volumes will be created.</br>

Controls:</br> 1 key -> enable/disable global illumniation.</br> 2 key -> hide/show proxies.</br>

Navigation:</br> you can move around the scene using w, a, s, d keys.</br> holding right mouse click and move the mouse to look around.</br>