


N64 Flashcart Menu

An open source menu for N64 flashcarts.

Supported Flashcarts

Fully supported

Work in Progress

Current (notable) menu features


Video showcase (as of Oct 12 2023)

N64FlashcartMenu Showcase


Experimental features

These features are subject to change:

ROM Boxart

To use boxart, you need to place png files of size 158x112 in the folder /menu/boxart on the SD card. Each file must be named according to the 2 letter ROM ID, or 3 letter ROM ID including media type. i.e. for GoldenEye 2 letters, this would be GE.png. i.e. for GoldenEye 3 letters, this would be NGE.png. A known set of PNG files using 2 letter ID's can be downloaded here.

Menu Settings

The Menu creates a config.ini file in sd:/menu/ which contains various settings that are used by the menu. If required, you can manually adjust the file on the SD card using your computer.

Flashcart specific



ED64 & ED64P

Currently not supported, but work is in progress (See PR's).

The aim is to replace Altra64 and ED64-UnofficialOS.

Open source software and licenses used