

Static libraries for building RcppCWB on Windows

Following the model of R packages such as openssl, libcurl or tesseract, building RcppCWB on Windows relies on pre-compiled static libraries for C code with dependencies that are hard to satisfy on Windows. Offering cross-compiled binaries for download is an approach to ensure the portability of R packages with C code that works nicely. The rwinlib collection of repositories is an established place to host static libraries. This repository is the equivalent for building RcppCWB on Windows.

The approach is as follows:

This repository includes three static libraries with CWB code that have been cross-compiled on a Linux machine for 32bit and 64bit R (lib/i386 and lib/x64 directory, respectively). Additional static libraries are included to ensure that relevant dependencies are present:

The CWB static libraries have been cross-compiled using Docker containers. The respective Dockerfiles are part of this repository.

A note on branches: