


Polkadot-Dart is a Dart-lang library to use access API of Polkadot network.

This library contains a set of crypto libraries and implementations of utils.

Table of content

  1. Polkadot-Dart
    1. Table of content
    2. Status
      1. Milestone 1: finished
      2. Milestone 2: Under development
      3. Milestone 3: Awaits
    3. Manually Build
      1. Enviorment Settings
      2. Read before build
      3. LLVM and clang
      4. Flutter and Dart
      5. NDK and Android SDK
      6. Everything you need for rust
      7. Build rust lib to .so and .a manually
    4. Testing Guide
      1. Run a single unit test
      2. Run all tests
      3. Generate coverage
      4. Integration tests
      5. Mobile phone tests example


Milestone 1: finished

0LicenceApache 2.0
1bindings/cryptoRust binding and implements @polkadot/wasm
2util_cryptoPorting and implements @polkadot/util-crypto
3utilsPorting and implements @polkadot/utils
4keyringPorting and implements @polkadot/keyring
5networksPorting and implements @polkadot/networks
6testsUnit tests for deliverables above

Milestone 2: Under development

75%1typesPorting @polkadot/types
0%2rpc_corePorting and implements @polkadot/rpc
75%3rpc_providerPorting and implements @polkadot/rpc_provider
90%4metadataPorting @polkadot/metadata
0%5api_derivePorting @polkadot/api-derive
0%6api_contractPorting @polkadot/api-contract
0%7apiPorting @polkadot/api
30%8type_genTypes generator for @polkadot/types
15%9testsUnit tests for deliverables above
0%10pub.devPublish to pub.dev for v1.0.0-dev1

Milestone 3: Awaits

0%1testsIntegration tests for all milestones
0%2documentationsDocumentations for all packages
0%3pub.devPublish to pub.dev for v1.0.0

Manually Build

Enviorment Settings

There are a few settings that needed before manually build, here is the guide. We will try to make a .make file afterwards to simply the process.

Read before build

  1. There are dynamic libs to be build during the process.

  2. This repository use CI to generate dynamic libs, tests are ensured passed, better not build them yourself.

LLVM and clang

With Macos (because we need to build iOS)

brew upgrade && brew install llvm

Flutter and Dart

  1. Follow Download and Install guide

  2. Verify your flutter version and env settings, make sure everything works

    flutter doctor -v

NDK and Android SDK

  1. Android SDK(After Flutter is installed)

  2. Download NDK and set NDK_HOME to env.

    export NDK_HOME=~/ndk/android-ndk-r21b
    # or if you use `ndk-bundle` of Android SDK locally, for macos:
    export ANDROID_HOME=~/Library/Android/sdk
    export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=~/Library/Android/sdk/ndk-bundle
    export NDK_HOME=~/Library/Android/sdk/ndk-bundle
    # and for linux, its like
    export NDK_HOME=/home/${User}/dev/android/ndk-bundle

Everything you need for rust

  1. Install rust-lang and cargo, install here

  2. All others are in /scripts folder, the steps below are not neccesary , just in-case something's missing.

    • Install cargo-lipo(for ios building) and cbindgen
    cargo install cargo-lipo && cargo install --force cbindgen
    • Install Android and iOS targets:
    rustup target add aarch64-linux-android armv7-linux-androideabi x86_64-linux-android i686-linux-android aarch64-apple-ios x86_64-apple-ios

Build rust lib to .so and .a manually

  1. Build rust binding
./scripts/clean.sh && ./scripts/init.sh && ./scripts/build.sh
  1. You can locate files in the android and ios folder.
    • Android: android/src/main/jniLibs/
    • iOS: ios
    • MacOS: macos (Caution: Build it on macos only)
    • Linux: linux (Caution: Build it on linux only)
    • Windows: windows (unavailable for now)

Testing Guide

Caution!! Do Not use flutter test directly

Run a single unit test

All test scripts are in /test folder. The folder structure matches the lib struture.

For example: A .dart file name hex.dart In lib folder, that is lib/utils/hex.dart In test folder, that is test/utils/hex.dart To test it, in root folder run flutter test test/utils/hex.dart

lib foldertest foldertest script
lib/utils/hex.darttest/utils/hex.dartflutter test test/utils/hex.dart

Run all tests

The polkadot_dart_test.dart is the entry of all unit tests, simply run:

flutter test test/polkadot_dart_test.dart

Generate coverage

  1. if on MacOS, install lcov first:
    brew install lcov
  2. if on Linux:
    sudo apt install lcov
  3. then run:

Integration tests


Mobile phone tests example
