

PoCLab 🚀

The project is a bot discord developed in Go.
It aims to track the activity of gno.land by displaying for example the new posts on the different boards.

How does it work?

[Explain how this project is working]

Getting Started 🏁


Install docker


Build the application

docker build -t poc-lab . 

Run the application

docker run poc-lab -w {webhookURL} -s {delay} -b {board} 

Run with several boards:

docker run poc-lab -w {webhookURL} -s {delay} -b {board} -b {board}

Run to also track the reply on the tracked board(s):

docker run poc-lab -w {webhookURL} -s {delay} -b {board} --reply


Usage of Bot:
  -b value
        board to notify
        do track reply of post on tracked boards
  -s value
        second  between refresh
  -w string
        Webhook URL


<div align="center"> <img src="./.demo/2022-06-05_20-13.png"/> </div>

Get involved :star:

You're invited to join this project ! Check out the contributing guide.

Our PoC team :heart:


<img src="https://github.com/Mikatech.png?size=85" width=85><br><sub>Mikaël Vallenet</sub><img src="https://github.com/Doozers.png?size=85" width=85><br><sub>Ismaël Fall</sub><img src="https://github.com/AbdelkarimBENGRINE.png?size=85" width=85><br><sub>Abdelkarim Bengrine</sub><img src="https://github.com/OnsagerHe.png?size=85" width=85><br><sub>Albert Valentin</sub>
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Made with :heart: by PoC