



To use GHScraper, you must first download and install nodejs and npm. Once this is finished, open command prompt in the GHScraper directory and use

npm install

to download the required dependencies.


Install npm and nodejs:

sudo apt-get install nodejs npm git
git clone https://github.com/Plazmaz/GHScraper.git
cd GHScraper
npm install


To use GHScraper, you'll need to create a new oauth application. You can do this here. Once you've created an oauth application, GitHub will generate a client id and secret. secrets

From here, simply open the config.json file and put in your client id and secret.

Once configured, you can run

npm start


node index.js

to begin scraping.


To add new queries to the database or modify existing ones, you can edit the github-dorks.txt file. This uses a modified version of GitHub's search syntax.

QueryPurposeExample usage
filenameSearch for files by namefilename:README.md
pathSearches for files within a specific pathpath:var/www
extensionSearches for files by extensionextension:txt
otherAll other text is treated as a search of file contentsTest one two three

If you find something cool, feel free to make a pull request!