


this is a theming library for the plan 9 graphics system.

theme files are in ndb format. there is a sample in lib/theme.

theme files are read from $home/lib/theme, or /lib/theme if there is no theme file in $home.

applications using the theme library should call themeget to find color values. for example:

	ulong col = themeget("rio", "background", DBlack);

this will look up an ndb record in the theme file that looks like this:


if the key background doesn't exist, it will fall back to DBlack.


mk install
cp lib/theme $home/lib/theme
B $home/lib/theme

color names

some predefined color names are in the library, taken from allocimage(2):

patches for software

there are some patches available to make existing software use libtheme.

see libtheme-patches for details.