


A macOS Video Downloader written in Swift and Obj.-C

Preview Image of Pillager </br></br>



Pillager is licensed under the MIT-Licene. (Look in the root directory) </br></br>


Pillager needs two binaries for building: FFmpeg and youtube-dl </br></br>


Youtube-dl should be included in the package. You don't need to build it yourself. If youtube-dl is not included in the source code you can get it from their website.. </br></br>


You need to import a compiled version of FFmpeg to build the source code. I don't want to ship FFmpeg with my source code because of license problems, so please accept this workaround. FFmpeg is licenced under GPLv2 (or PGPv3). I don't own anything about FFpmeg. All copyrights belong to their respective owners. If you want to know more about the licensing of FFmpeg look here. If you want to distribute Pillager with FFmpeg included, then of curse you need to accept their license agreements too! </br></br>

How to import FFmpeg

Just drag and drop the binary to the "Exec"-Group in Xcode. That's all, you should be able to build the application now.

Dragndrop ffmpeg </br></br>

Get FFmpeg

If you don't have FFmpeg or want to build it manually yourself, here is a little workaround:

  1. You need Homebrew. If you don't have Homebrew look here. Homebrew is a super simple package manager for macOS.
  2. Open the terminal.
  3. Type brew install ffmpeg
  4. When finished type brew --prefix ffmpeg  
  5. cd to displayed Path.  
  6. Type open . Finder should open a window to the Path.  
  7. Switch to subdirectory "bin" there is the "ffmpeg" executable. Now drag and drop it to Xcode.   </br></br>


I don't give any warranty as explained in the license.

Don't download any videos you are not allowed to download with this Software. Respect the law and the rights of others. It is at your own discretion for what you use the software, therefore I do not assume any liability for any right-wing use of the software.