

Call For Talks

How To Propose a Talk for Pixels Camp v4.0 (2020)

Talk proposals for Pixels Camp must be submitted as GitHub pull requests. Please follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you're logged in to GitHub;
  2. Fork this repository into your account;
  3. Copy the talk-title_presenter-name.md template into a new file;
  4. Rename the new file using your talk's title and your name (eg. introduction-to-foo_john-doe.md);
  5. Edit the new file and fill in each section (do not delete the template file);
  6. When you're done, submit a Pull Request, using your talk's title as the PRs title and the contents of your .md file as its description.

Our backoffice uses the PR title and description during the review process (the .md file is used later on to build the schedule). This also allows the public to comment/vote on proposals.

NOTE: If you're proposing more than one talk, please open separate Pull Requests for each one.

What Happens Next?


Contact Information

Make sure we have a way to contact you privately if needed. Set up an e-mail address in your GitHub profile or include it with your proposal. Also make sure you join us at Slack. Just ask for an invite if you're not there yet.

What Makes a Good Proposal?

There aren't any hard rules besides making it honest and as captivating as you can. We do have a few suggestions though:

I Got Accepted!

Congratulations! You're an MVP (Most Valuable Pixel... Camper). The Pixels Camp organizers will be contacting you about some logistics details soon. Meanwhile, you can contact us over Slack (privately or on #speakers channel).

I Got Rejected, Now What?

If your talk proposal gets rejected, don't be disappointed. Don't give up, you may get your chance next time.

Your talk might not have made it for any number of reasons and, most of the time, they have nothing to do with quality or your ability to deliver. Maybe a similar topic got covered in the previous year, or this year, and the reviewers decided not to run it this time. Maybe there were too many similar talks and the reviewers opted for other subjects. Or maybe your proposal just didn’t quite convince us this time around.

Either way, what really matters is that you submitted a talk proposal and you've shown motivation and initiative, which are just the kind of attributes we're looking for in attendees. Karma points for you!


The Pixels Camp crew