

Pixel Vision 8: MonoVision

MonoVision is a stripped down version of (MonoGame) designed specifically for Pixel Vision 8. It is optimized to run 2D games and removes a lot of the overhead of the MonoGame Framework in favor of stripping the game engine down to its SDL2 code. Currently, MonoVision runs on desktops (Win, Mac, and Linux).


Pixel Vision 8 and MonoVision were created by Jesse Freeman (@jessefreeman) in collaboration with Christina-Antoinette Neofotistou (@CastPixel) for art and Christer Kaitila (@McFunkypants) for music.

MonoGame was created by its own contributors.


Licensed under the Microsoft Public License (MS-PL) License. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.

Pixel Vision 8 is Copyright (c) 2021 Jesse Freeman. All rights reserved.