Startup HealthCheck
Startup HealthCheck is an open source project designed to power data collection and aggregation for local startup communities. The goal is to gather data around companies, people, events, and jobs.
The core of HealthCheck's backend curation around startup company data is powered by the StartupGenome API. We are working with Shane and the StartupGenome team to be a great stand alone client for SG, while also enabling gathering of extra data. In turn, SG provides bulk upload via CSV, map-based visualization, and integration / sync with Crunchbase, Angel List, and others.
- turnkey hosting - easy for any community to install their own instance (e.g. Heroku / static web site / etc.)
- brandable - customize with your own community brand & design
- aggregation - limited "original content" creation; aggregation of title + link + limited other metadata for events and jobs -- i.e. not a blogging or content creation platform
- open data - connectivity and re-use of StartupGenome API, plugins for Salesforce, default license that makes data shareable by default
Startup HealthCheck is a project of the non-profit startup hub / co-working space, Launch Academy, based out of Vancouver, BC, Canada. PixelCrafters is an entrepreneur-led Vancouver tech community group.
Check the Contributors file for a list of the people & companies that are active contributors. We welcome pull requests!
We are going to be designing and building this out in the open. We are collecting partners and have talked to startup communities in Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, Nanaimo, Victoria, and Toronto. If you are interested in participating, please get in touch or post an issue.
We like to use RVM and Homebrew to get everything up and running. You can use other tools if you'd like, but we'll use these in our instructions.
Ensure you have Homebrew installed
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Ensure you have RVM installed
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable
Startup HealthCheck requires ruby version 2.1.1.
rvm install 2.1.1
We use ElasticSearch as our full-text search engine.
brew install elasticsearch
To start ElasticSearch, try this:
brew services start elasticsearch
If you get errors, ensure you have the latest version of the JDK (1.7).
Install PostgreSQL, the best thing since MySQL. You can install PostgreSQL with Homebrew.
brew install postgresql
Start PostgreSQL
brew services start postgresql
Clone the repository from git:
git clone
Change directories into startuphealthcheck:
cd startuphealthcheck
Run Bundler (
bundle install
Set up your database.
Start by creating a config/database.yml file with your database settings (based on the config/database.yml.sample file). The following command will create the database, run the migrations and add the seed data to the application.
bundle exec rake db:setup
After you've setup your database, you will have two example organizations in the database (Example Startup and Example Startup2). In order to access these organizations via search add data to the search index.
bundle exec rake searchkick:reindex CLASS=Organization
You'll need to run a similar command to index People / users in the database.
bundle exec rake searchkick:reindex CLASS=User
Start the rails server:
rails server
Configuring the Application for Development and Test Environments
We use the dotenv-rails gem to populate environment variables for development and test environments. To configure your application you will need to create a .env file in the root directory of your application. See the .env.example file to get started.
After you have your database schema set up and .env file ready, you can begin running tests with either RSpec ( or Cucumber (
Configuring Startup Genome
In order to pull data from Startup Genome, you will need a Startup Genome API AUTH_CODE. You can get one of these by going to and registering as curator.
Once you're approved as a curator, you'll be able to request an AUTH_CODE from Startup Genome through your account.
Once you have your AUTH_CODE, set STARTUP_GENOME_AUTH_CODE in your .env file.
You will also need the Startup Genome slug for your location. You can find this by visiting, searching for your city/location, and taking a look at the URL. For instance, when we search for Vancouver on Startup Genome, we find that the url to access Vancouver is, and thus the slug is vancouver-britishcolumbia-can. Once you know your slug, set STARTUP_GENOME_LOCATION_SLUG in your .env file.
If you find this process frustrating, you could try sending the good people at Startup Genome a very polite email requesting additional documentation.
Configuring Auth0
In order to log into the site, you will need to set up your application for Auth0.
Go to [] and create a free account.
1.Create an Auth0 domain. You can use your sweet name or whatevs.
2.Turn on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google. Don't enable email sign ups.
3.Add a new application. Click on Ruby on Rails. The friendly name should be WeAreYVR.
4.It will ask you for what you'd like to set up. Turn on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google. Don't enable email sign ups (we realize this is repetitive, sorry).
5.Go to Applications, click on WeAreYVR and change the "CHANGE-TO-YOUR-PORT" to 3000. don't need to add all of this code to the application. You just need to set the AUTH0_DOMAIN, AUTH0_CLIENT_ID, AUTH0_SECRET and AUTH0_CALLBACK_URL in your .env file. You can find these values on this page.
Running Tests
To run Cucumber:
To run RSpec:
rspec spec
Adding Custom Styling
We use the Themes on Rails gem for multi-theme support.
Right now Startup HealthCheck has the following themes:
- Default (app/themes/default)
- WeAreYVR (app/themes/weareyvr)
To change the theme from 'WeAreYVR' to 'Default', replace the following line in app/controllers/application_controller.rb
theme "weareyvr"
theme "default"
After you've made this change, restart your server.
To override a view file simply recreate it within your theme directory and make any changes (ie. app/themes/{theme-name}/views/{file-name}).
To create custom themes have a look at the Themes on Rails documentation.