

Vehicle Key-Point & Orientation Estimation

The repository contains the code for vehicle key-point and Orientation estimation Network proposed in the A Dual Path Model With Adaptive Attention For Vehicle Re-Identification which has been accepted as an oral presentation in ICCV 2019. The code for re-identification network does not exist in the repository.

The code for vehicle key-point and orientation estimation has been released to facilitate future research in vehicle alignment, 3d vehicle modeling and vehicle speed estimation.

Vehicle Key-Point & Orientation Estimation Pipeline

The figure below demonstrates the pipeline for prediction of 20 vehicle landmarks and classify vehicle's orientation into one of 8 classes all defined in here.


Key-point estimation is done in two stages; in stage 1 the model tries to come up with coarse estimation of key-points location and in stage 2 those coarse estimates are refined through an hourglass like structure and in a parallel branch the orientation of the vehicle is predicted as well.

Getting Started

Clone this repository with the following command:

git clone https://github.com/Pirazh/Vehicle_Key_Point_Orientation_Estimation


The code is written in Python 2.7 with Pytorch version "0.4.1". To install the dependencies run the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then you have to download and put the pre-trained model and Veri-776 dataset in the following directories:


To test an already trained model, you have to specify the test phase, stage1(Coarse key-points estimation)/stage2(Entire model for fine key-points generation and orientation estimation) use cases and the path to the trained model. This can be achieved by running the following command:


python main.py --phase test --use_case stage1 --resumed_ckpt PATH_TO_STAGE1_PRE_TRAINED_MODEL 


python main.py --phase test --use_case stage2 --resumed_ckpt PATH_TO_STAGE2_PRE_TRAINED_MODEL

The number of workers, train/test batch size can be set through arguments --num_workers, --train_batch_size, --test_batch_size. The code also has multi GPU training/testing support which is enabled by passing --mGPU argument in the main.py script. If you wish to visualize the predicted key-points, you can do so by passing the --visualize argument.



To train stage1 of the model run the following command:

python main.py --phase train --use_case stage1 --mGPU --lr 0.0001 --epochs 15 

After training, results can be found in ./checkpoints/stage1/TIME_STAMP_STAMP_WHEN_TRAINING_STARTED.


To train the entire model run the followning:

python main.py --phase train --use_case stage2 --mGPU --lr 0.0001 --epochs 15 --stage1_ckpt PATH_TO_THE_STAGE1_TRAINED_MODEL

Training results can be found in ./checkpoints/stage2/TIME_STAMP_WHEN_TRAINING_STARTED.


Key-Point localization MSE (pixels)1.951.56
Orientation Classification Accuracy-84.44%

Note that the localization MSE is calculated in 56 * 56 heatmaps. The following figure is the confusion matrix for the vehicle orientation estimation. In most of the cases the network classifies the orientation correctly; however in some cases since there is no clear boundry between defined orientation classes e.g. left front and left, the network struggles the in determining the correct class.

<img src="./Figures/confusion_matrix.png" alt="Orientation_Classification_accuracy" width=600>


If you find this repository useful in your research please cite our paper:

    author = {Khorramshahi, Pirazh and Kumar, Amit and Peri, Neehar and Rambhatla, Sai Saketh and Chen, Jun-Cheng and Chellappa, Rama},
    title = {A Dual-Path Model With Adaptive Attention for Vehicle Re-Identification},
    booktitle = {The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
    month = {October},
    year = {2019}


If you have any questions regarding the model and the repository send me an email at (pkhorram@terpmail.umd.edu).