

Gemirro | Build Status Gem Version

Gemirro is a Ruby application that makes it easy way to create your own RubyGems mirror without having to push or write all gem you wanted in a configuration file. It does mirroring without any authentication and you can add your private gems in the gems directory. More, to mirroring a source, you only need to start the server, and gems will automaticly be downloaded when needed.



Assuming RubyGems isn't down you can install the Gem as following:

$ gem install gemirro


The process of setting up a mirror is fairly easy and can be done in few seconds.

The first step is to set up a new, empty mirror directory. This is done by running the gemirro init command.

$ gemirro init /srv/http/mirror.com/

Once created you can edit the main configuration file called config.rb. This configuration file specifies what source to mirror, destination directory, server host and port, etc.

Once configured and if you add gem in the define_source, you can pull them by running the following command:

$ gemirro update

Once all the Gems have been downloaded you'll need to generate an index of all the installed files. This can be done as following:

$ gemirro index
$ gemirro index --update # Or only update new files

Last, launch the server, and all requests will check if gems are detected, and download them if necessary and generate index immediately.

$ gemirro server --start
$ gemirro server --status
$ gemirro server --restart
$ gemirro server --stop

If you want to use a custom configuration file not located in the current directory, use the -c or --config option.

Available commands

Usage: gemirro [COMMAND] [OPTIONS]


    -v, --version      Shows the current version
    -h, --help         Display this help message.

Available commands:

  index    Retrieve specs list from source.
  init     Sets up a new mirror
  list     List available gems.
  server   Manage web server
  update   Updates the list of Gems

See `<command> --help` for more information on a specific command.

Apache configuration

You must activate the apache proxy module.

$ sudo a2enmod proxy
$ sudo a2enmod proxy_http

Create your VirtualHost and replace following http://localhost:2000 with your custom server configuration located in your config.rb file and restart Apache.

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName mirror.gemirro
  ProxyPreserveHost On
  ProxyRequests off
  ProxyPass / http://localhost:2000/
  ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:2000/

Nginx configuration

Replace localhost:2000 with your custom server configuration located in your config.rb file and restart Nginx.

upstream gemirro {
  server localhost:2000;

server {
  server_name rbgems;

  location / {
    proxy_pass http://gemirro;
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

Known issues

could not find a temporary directory

If you use ruby >= 2.0, some urls in the server throwing errors telling could not find a temporary directory. You only need to do a chmod o+t /tmp