


Open-source MIT-licensed C#/.NET math library for small vectors and matrices.

The naming and behavior is inspired by the excellent OpenGL Mathematics lib by Christophe Riccio.


vec3 v = new vec3(0, 1, 0);
vec3 left = vec3.Cross(v, new vec3(2f));

mat4 view = mat4.LookAt(vec3.Ones, vec3.Zero, vec3.UnitY);
vec4 v4 = view.Inverse * new vec4(v, 0f);

v4 *= glm.Smoothstep(0.2f, 0.4f, v.Length);

string s = v4.ToString();
vec4 vv = vec4.Parse(s);

vv.xy = v.swizzle.yy;


Install via NuGet:

PM> Install-Package GlmSharp

Current version: 0.9.7


Supported types:

Supported base types:

(Currently a total of 160 types in about 50k LOC)

Supports read-only swizzling, e.g. v.swizzle.bgr (or equivalently v.swizzle.zyx). Supports read-write inline-swizzling, e.g. v.zw = v.yx.

Syntax, Usage

Instead of introducing a glm namespace, GlmSharp puts most functions in the respective type. For example, glm.dot(v1, v2) for vec3 is now vec3.Dot(v1, v2).

Since 0.9.7, a glm static class also provides most functionality in form of static functions, including operations on base types.


The code itself is written using C# 6 features, the NuGet package however only requires .NET 2.0 (with some restrictions). Starting with .NET 4.5, System.Numerics.Complex and IReadOnlyList<T> are supported in GlmSharp.



In theory, each swizzle string ('xyz') could be implemented as a property in the respective vector struct. However, this absolutely spams Intellisense (706 combinations for vec4). (Extension methods are not solution either as tools like Resharper show all available methods.)

Thus, swizzling is implemented as a swizzle surrogate type (e.g. swizzle_vec4) that has all combinations as properties. Each vector type has a swizzle property that returns an instance of the surrogate type. Therefore, swizzling becomes v.swizzle.xz. (Hopefully, the runtime engine elides all superfluous moves/copies.)

Swizzling is generated for xyzw and rgba.

Since 0.9.8, read-write inline-swizzling is supported. All ordered subsets of components can now be read and set, e.g. v2.xzw = new vec3(v1.yx, 1f).

Performance consideration

All vectors and matrices are value-types and contain all components directly. (A matrix is not an array of vectors.) These types are therefore suited for serialization and marshalling.

Most functions are "rolled out" by the generator and should therefore have minimal overhead.


This library is MIT-licensed.