

FinEtools Use Case

Here we show how to use the package FinEtools in user's own projects. The package itself comes with many examples, but they only use the facilities of the package and here the situation is different in that the user's code is mixed in with the FinEtools code base.

At issue are the workflows that enable tight (or loose) control of the name conflicts that can occur when user's code is used together with somebody else's.

We offer two methods. The use case is the following: the user wrote a function to generate the surface mesh of 1/8 of a spherical surface. (This function is not part of FinEtools.)

<img src="sphere.png" width="200" height="200" />

The user takes advantage of the various facilities of the mesh-generation, mesh-modification, and mesh-export functionality of the FinEtools package. The code and brief discussions in markdown are in the two corresponding subfolders: