


An experimental Wi-Fi tracking system aiming at improving user awereness toward physical tracking technologies and at experimenting new privacy-preserving mechanisms.

Links and attribution

Developed by Célestin Matte and Mathieu Cunche during Célestin Matte's PhD thesis (see link above), at INSA Lyon, in Inria's Privatics team, under a Région Rhône-Alpes's ARC7 funding.

Already added privacy-preserving mechanism

System description

Wombat is a fully functional Wi-Fi tracking platform supporting three main features: collection, storage/processing, query/output. These three features are implemented through a distributed infrastructure composed of:

To ensure communication between the sensor nodes and the server, the Wombat system relies on a wired network (Ethernet). In addition, Wombat can be enriched with a user interface and an opt-out node:

The system is made to work on a dedicated network (the server includes a DHCP server). Nodes can be switched off at any time (they function in read-only mode to be crash-proof).

Architecture of the Wombat system in a demonstration configuration: Architecture of the Wombat system in a demonstration configuration

Basic user interface of Wombat displaying the device’s MAC address, the list of SSIDs, as well as a mobility trace under a timeline form: Basic user interface of Wombat displaying the device’s MAC address, the list of SSIDs, as well as a mobility trace under a timeline form


This package contains several folders:

python query_server.py nodes   # to get the list of connected and fully functioning nodes
python query_server.py stats   # to get statistics about estimated number of devices seen by the system
python query_server.py stats <topology_file>   # same, but save results to a log.txt file.
                                               # <topology_file> is required to save results according to the topology of the system.
                                               # Useful when used when display_count.py
python query_server.py <mac_address>   # to get information about device of address <mac_address>

The system can be run in different modes:

To change system mode, update the server configuration in ansible/files/server/server_config.json and push it to the server using push_server.yml.


Required hardware: the nodes and opt-out machines should all have Wi-Fi cards handling monitor mode connected to them. We tested this system on Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 with TP-LINK TL-WN722N dongles. If running with blind_mode=True, the server should also have a Wi-Fi card. All the machines must be connected using a switch on a independant network. For instance, to run 4 nodes, a server and an optout node, you will need: 6 machines (e.g. 6 raspberry pis, and the same number of SD cards and power supplies), 6 monitor-mode-able Wi-Fi cards, one switch with enough ports, and 6 ethernet cables (+1 to connect you own machine to run front-end scripts).

The system can be easily installed on top of an existing Arch Linux install using ansibles scripts in the ansible folder. To install each component from scratch:

su -
useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash wombat
passwd wombat # chose a new password
pacman -Syu
ansible-playbook -i <ip>, --ask-sudo-pass -k bootstrap.yml --extra-vars "user=wombat"

You now have a basic system installed. You can use the different ansible scripts in the ansible/ folder depending on what the machine is going to be: a node (node.yml), the server (run node.yml, then server.yml) or an optout server (run node.yml, then optout.yml). Read instructions at the beginning of each of these files.

The system is made to work on a dedicated network. Once installed, remove the server from any existing network as its DHCP server may disrupt it proper functioning. Once every machines are installed and configured, link them all to a common switch and you're ready to go. You can add your own machine to the switch and query the server using the frontend/query_server.py script. The server's IP address will be and the rest of the nodes will be on the network.

To configure the different modes presented in above section, edit ansible/files/server/server_config.json before install, or /etc/wombat/server_config.json on the server after install.

To have a machine configured as an automatic front-end:


Additional notes

Stage: completed project (2017), will not be updated.

This was an experimental research project, please be tolerant with code quality.

Due to the nature of this project (a Wi-Fi tracker), I voluntarily do not make this too easy to install for script kiddies (for instance by providing raw system images).

This demo was installed: