plugin options
type includeFilter = (id: string) => boolean;
export interface Options {
locales: string[]; // i18n locale list
dts?: string; // .d.ts file position, should include in tsconfig.json's include option; default i18n.d.sts
root?: string; // default cwd()
include?: FilterPattern | includeFilter; // filter
exclude?: FilterPattern;
localeFileWarn?: boolean; // show warn info when locale config path does not exist, default: true
getLocaleFs?: (locale: string) => string; // get the locale config based on the locale value in locales
genImportName?: (locale: string) => string; // generate the import name of locale config file based on the locale value in locales
use plugin in vite
import { autoImport } from 'vite-plugin-i18n-autoimport'
const LOCALE_ENUM = {
zhCn: "zh-CN",
zhHant: "zh-Hant"
export default defineConfig(() => {
return {
plugins: [
locales: [LOCALE_ENUM.zhCn, LOCALE_ENUM.zhHant],
dts: './i18ntest.d.ts'
use in composition API
<script setup lang="ts">
const { t } = defineI18n()
// compile to
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
// './lang/zh-CN.json' is generated by [ getLocaleFs ]
// 'zh_CN' is generated by [ genImportName ]
import zh_CN from './lang/zh-CN.json';
import zh_Hant from './lang/zh-Hant.json';
const { t } = useI18n({
messages: {
['zh_CN']: zh_CN,
['zh_Hant']: zh_Hant,