


The Performance of All Models on the Gowalla Dataset

1NESCL0.19170.1617Neighborhood-Enhanced Supervised Contrastive Learning for Collaborative Filtering2024
2BSPM-EM0.1920.1597Blurring-Sharpening Process Models for Collaborative Filtering2022
3BSPM-LM0.19010.157Blurring-Sharpening Process Models for Collaborative Filtering2022
4LT-OCF0.18750.1574LT-OCF: Learnable-Time ODE-based Collaborative Filtering2021
5SimpleX0.18720.1557SimpleX: A Simple and Strong Baseline for Collaborative Filtering2021
6UltraGCN0.18620.158UltraGCN: Ultra Simplification of Graph Convolutional Networks for Recommendation2021
7Emb-GCN0.1862UltraGCN: Ultra Simplification of Graph Convolutional Networks for Recommendation2021
8GF-CF0.18490.1518How Powerful is Graph Convolution for Recommendation?2021
9LightGCN0.1830.1554LightGCN: Simplifying and Powering Graph Convolution Network for Recommendation2020
10NGCF0.157Neural Graph Collaborative Filtering2019
  1. The code repository for the paper: Peijie Sun , Le Wu, Kun Zhang, Xiangzhi Chen, Meng Wang. Neighborhood-Enhanced Supervised Contrastive Learning for Collaborative Filtering (Accepted by TKDE).

  2. The dataset can refer to following links(Baidu Netdisk, Google Drive).

  3. The parameters files locate in config/amazon-book \ gowalla \ yelp2018 directories

  4. As we have updated the proposed model name to NESCL, its previous name is SUPCCL, it can be found in the path recbole/model/general_recommender/supccl.py

  5. To train the model, you should first prepare the training environment

  1. Then, you can execute following commands to train the model based on different datasets:
  1. The generated log files saved in log directory, and the temporal model parameters can saved in the saved directory.

If you are interested in my work, you can also pay attention to my personal website: https://www.peijiesun.com

You can cite our paper with:

  title={Neighborhood-Enhanced Supervised Contrastive Learning for Collaborative Filtering},
  author={Sun, Peijie and Wu, Le and Zhang, Kun and Chen, Xiangzhi and Wang, Meng},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering},