



A Neovim plugin for dbt model editing. The little helper I wish I always had.

Maintenance Note!

I don't use dbt day-to-day so I don't spend much time on this package. However, I do still accept issues and PRs, so please continue to send them in.


I do welcome requests and use-cases, so feel free to reach out on Twitter (@pdrmnvd) or by creating an issue.

⚡️ Requirements

⚙ Installation

Install using your favorite plugin manager:

Using Packer

use {
    config = function()
        local dbt = require("dbtpal")
            -- Path to the dbt executable
            path_to_dbt = "dbt",

            -- Path to the dbt project, if blank, will auto-detect
            -- using currently open buffer for all sql,yml, and md files
            path_to_dbt_project = "",

            -- Path to dbt profiles directory
            path_to_dbt_profiles_dir = vim.fn.expand("~/.dbt"),

            -- Search for ref/source files in macros and models folders
            extended_path_search = true,

            -- Prevent modifying sql files in target/(compiled|run) folders
            protect_compiled_files = true,

        -- Setup key mappings

        vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>drf", dbt.run)
        vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>drp", dbt.run_all)
        vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>dtf", dbt.test)
        vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>dm", require("dbtpal.telescope").dbt_picker)

        -- Enable Telescope Extension
    requires = { { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" }, { "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim" } },

Using lazy.nvim

<details> <summary>Show configuration...</summary>
    dependencies = {
    ft = {
    keys = {
        { "<leader>drf", "<cmd>DbtRun<cr>" },
        { "<leader>drp", "<cmd>DbtRunAll<cr>" },
        { "<leader>dtf", "<cmd>DbtTest<cr>" },
        { "<leader>dm", "<cmd>lua require('dbtpal.telescope').dbt_picker()<cr>" },
    config = function()
            path_to_dbt = "dbt",
            path_to_dbt_project = "",
            path_to_dbt_profiles_dir = vim.fn.expand("~/.dbt"),
            extended_path_search = true,
            protect_compiled_files = true,

🙈 Commands

dbtpal has sensible defaults and can auto-detect project directories based on the currently open buffer when first run.

Your typical dbt commands are supported in three modes: current model, all models, and user-specified models. See the sample setup above for some common mappings.

Commands can be either invoked as vim user-commands or through lua. Lua calls provide more flexibility if additional arguments are required, but user-commands work well if all you need is the default behavior, with a single model selector argument.


In Lua: require('dbtpal').run()

Run the current model


In Lua: require('dbtpal').run_all()

Run all models in the project


In Lua: require('dbtpal').run_model('+my_second_dbt_model')

Run a specific model or selector. Requires a model selector argument.

Example: DbtRunModel +my_second_dbt_model


In Lua: require('dbtpal').test()

Test the current model


In Lua: require('dbtpal').test_all()

Test all models in the project


In Lua: require('dbtpal').test_model('+my_second_dbt_model')

Test a specific model or selector. Requires a model selector argument.

Example: DbtTestModel +my_second_dbt_model


In Lua: require('dbtpal').compile()

Compile the current model


In Lua: require('dbtpal').build()

Build the current model

Additional Lua Only Functions

These commands are only available as Lua-only commands. You can map them to specific key-bindings if you wish.

require('dbtpal').run_children(): equivalent to dbt run -s model+

require('dbtpal').run_parents(): equivalent to dbt run -s +model

require('dbtpal').run_family(): equivalent to dbt run -s +model+

 Configuration

You can override default configuration options by passing a table to setup({}). See the Installation section for an example

require("dbtpal").setup({ ... })

The following options are available:

path_to_dbtPath to the dbt executabledbt (i.e. dbt in the local path)
path_to_dbt_projectPath to the dbt project"" (auto-detect)
path_to_dbt_profiles_dirPath to dbt profiles directory"~/.dbt"
extended_path_searchSearch for ref/source files in macros and models folderstrue
protect_compiled_filesPrevent modifying sql files in target/(compiled|run) folderstrue


Log level can be set with vim.g.dbtpal_log_level (must be before setup()) or on the command line: DBTPAL_LOG_LEVEL=info nvim myfile.sql