


This package is meant to serve as a example for how to include Quarto templates with extensions in a fashion that reproduces the functionality of R Markdown templates included with R packages. The example included here could serve as a branded PDF report template.

Specifically, the following functionality:


Install this package with the following code:


The use_quarto_ext() function will implement the functionality listed above. For example, executing use_quarto_ext(file_name = "test") will create a new director called test with a header.tex file and test.qmd file for the the new report. test.qmd is based on skeleton.qmd found here: inst > extdata > _extensions > quartotemplate > skeleton.qmd


Thomas Mock provided tips on Twitter that gave me the idea for this solution, and the use_quarto_ext() is an extension of a function he wrote in this repo: https://github.com/jthomasmock/octavo.