


Editor Window to fix Serialize Reference after changing/renaming a class, assembly, or namespace.

IMPORTANT: so far only from 2021.2 Unity Version.

Документация на русском

Add to project

To add this package to the project, follow these steps:

  1. Open PackageManager;
  2. Select "Add package from get URL";
  3. Insert links to packages that are dependencies of this package:
    • https://github.com/Paulsams/MiscUtilities.git
  4. Insert this link https://github.com/Paulsams/RepairerSerializeReferences.git



  1. You can view each lost link individually (both in prefabs and on the stage);
  2. Allows you to fix all links at once ("Update All" switch);
  3. Allows you to change only to the Type that exists in a given assembly and in a given namespace.


How to use

This window can be opened in the top menu along the path Window/RepairerSerializeReference, and then you must click the "Update" button yourself, otherwise there will be no update.