

Lean 4 Natural Number Game

This is a prototype Lean 4 version of the Natural Number Game (NNG) of Kevin Buzzard and Mohammad Pedramfar. It only has 5 levels so far. It uses the Lean 4 game server whose README has a lot more general information.

Building and running

A temporary hack in Main.lean assumes you have the game-server library installed in a game-server folder sitting next to your NNG4 folder. Hopefully this will be fixed soon. Until then you can either make sure you have this folder layout or modify Main.lean before building. Once this is done, you can build using lake build in the NNG4 root folder (this will build the game server if needed).

Then you can already "play" in text mode by running build/bin/nng. If you want to run the web interface you need to launch the gameserver.py python script (after installing the websockets python library). This will use port 8765 by default, but you can set the PORT environment variable to override this (or modify the python code...). If you want the server to be accessible from the outside you may need to use gameserver_ssl.py in order to satisfy paranoid web browser. This requires some SSL certificate (see https://letsencrypt.org/ to get one if needed). There are more explanation at the top of that python script.

Then you need to clone the interface repository and build the interface. See instructions there.

Some game-play choices

Note that a lot of game-play decisions were made for this game on top of the general framework provided by Lean 4 game server. In particular: