

<h1>facepaint</h1> <h2>Overview</h2> Welcome to facepaint! facepaint is an AR drawing app that allows users to create hand drawn face filters. You can visit the live website <a href="https://facepaint.patriciaarnedo.com">here</a>.

Start by logging in or signing up for an account. Once you are logged in, you can try on filters created by other users, create your own filters, favorite filters, or customize your profile.

Here is a sample of the filter drawing interface:

<img src=https://i.imgur.com/3u574f8.gif/>

<h3>User Stories</h3>
  1. A user can Sign up for an account and log in/log out
  2. A user can create a face filter
  3. A user can delete a face filter
  4. A user can try on face filters
  5. A user can save their favorite face filters
  6. A user can upload a profile picture
  7. A user can visit other user's accounts and browse their filters

This project was created using the following libraries: <br> <a a href="https://github.com/jeeliz/jeelizFaceFilter">Jeeliz</a> <br> <a a href="https://github.com/jakubfiala/atrament.js?utm_source=designernews">Atrament.js</a>

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.