Raspberry Remote for Windows 10 IoT Core
Control your remote plugs with your Raspberry Pi running Windows 10 IoT Core.
The code of this project is based on the code from the Raspberry-Remote project.
Instead of using wiringPi this project uses the Windows.Devices.Gpio interface provided by Microsoft in the extension Windows IoT Extensions for the UWP.
- xkonni, sui li, r10r and x3 for their work on the original Rrapberry-Remote
Required Hardware
- Raspberry Pi
- 433 MHz transmitter
- Some radio controlled power sockets
- Some connector wires
- Setup Windows 10 IoT Core on your Raspberry Pi GetStarted
- Connect your transmitter with your Raspberry Pi. As data port I prefer the GPIO port 5 which is pin 29 on the board of your Raspberry (theoretically you can choose every port you want). If you're not familiar the Raspberry Pi pin mappings you should have a look at Raspberry Pi 2 Pin Mappings.
- If you don't already have a project in Visual Studio create a new Windows Universal project.
- Checkout the Raspberry Remote for Windows 10 IoT Core project and add it to your solution by doing a right click on your solution and choose "Add" -> "Existing Project". Navigate to RaspberryRemote.csproj and confirm your selection.
- Now add a reference to Raspberry Remote to your project by doing a right click on "References" and choose "Add Reference..." -> "Projects" -> "Solution" -> RaspberryRemote. Confirm with OK.
- Insert the namespace of RaspberryRemote
using RaspberryRemote;
- Create a new instance of RCSwitch
RCSwitch switch = new RCSwitch();
- Set up the GPIO pin which your transmitter is connected with. The parameter defines the GPIO pin not the pin number on the board.
- Now you can switch on your remote plug with
switch.SwitchOn("11011", 1);
The first parameter is the code of the switch group (refers to DIP switches 1..5 where "1" = on and "0" = off, if all DIP switches are on it's "11111"). The second parameter is the number of the switch itself (1..4).
- To switch off your remote plug call
switch.SwitchOff("11011", 1);