


An application protocol multiplexer

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What is this?

In a nutshell, this application lets you run multiple kinds of applications on a single port. This is useful for, for instance, running an OpenVPN server and a TLS/HTTPS server on port 443, which in turn is useful for evading firewalls that block all other outbound ports.



Assuming you have a properly configured Go setup, get and compile the multiplexer with

go get github.com/Pandentia/protoplex/cmd/protoplex

and then run it with (for example, to run SSH and HTTPS)

protoplex --ssh your_ssh_host:22 --tls your_webserver:443

Protoplex is now running on port 8443 and ready to accept connections.

For more extensive configuration, please see the output of --help.


A docker image may be used for ease of use and deployment.


The concepts for this multiplexer were as follows:

To this end, protoplex supports multiple matching methods for protocols:

These can both be implemented for a protocol, with bytestrings taking priority (due to efficiency). In addition, protocols support matching limits, reducing the amount of protocols evaluated for a given handshake.

Protocol support

Currently supported protocols are:

Feel free to file an issue on the GitHub repository if you want a protocol to be supported. Please include steps to accurately reproduce your client setup.

Alternatively, you may submit a pull request.