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Send desktop notifications on all platforms in Deno.
Supports Windows, macOS, and linux using notify-rust though some features are platform-specific.

Note: More features are in the works and the API may change as a result.


The mod.ts entrypoint uses Plug internally so you don't have to download or open the plugin manually.

You will need to run using the --unstable and --allow-all permissions to allow for automatic plugin loading and caching.

import { Notification } from "https://deno.land/x/deno_notify@1.4.3/ts/mod.ts";

// Create a new notification
const notif = new Notification();

// Add a simple message
notif.title("My message");

// Display it

Or stack together your desired options:

new Notification({ macos: true })
  .title("My message")
  .subtitle("It's very important...")
  .body("Hello, World!")


Check out the Documentation for a list of available features.

Platform-Specific Features

By default, only cross-platform features are available. In order to enable platform-specific features (e.g. icons), you can pass in booleans flags to specify the supported platforms in the Notification's constructor.

// Enable linux-specific-features
const notif = new Notification({ linux: true });

// Notification.icon() is now available

Specifying platforms may also provide different documentation and typings for the Notification API.

For example, macOS has specific sound names that are available for Notifications; these are reflected in the macOS-specific Notification API.

IntelliSense Suggesting MacOS Sound Names When Calling Notification.soundName()

Strict Platform Checking

The second parameter of the Notification's constructor can be used to determine whether the platform-features should be checked at runtime. When true (default), any platform-specific feature will error if used on a platform that does not support it. When false, the error will be silently ignored.

Note: Platform checking is performed both at compile time (TypeScript) and at runtime.

// Icons are not supported on macOS
// If notif.icon() is called on a macOS computer, this will error.
const notif = new Notification({ linux: true }, true);

// This will not error; however, no icon will be displayed on macOS.
const notif = new Notification({ linux: true }, false);


Error: Deno.dlopen is not a function

If you are getting the error "Deno.dlopen is not a function" then you likely haven't enabled the unstable ffi features when running your code. Please run with the --unstable flag. (You might also need the --allow-ffi flag).


This library relies on native (Rust) libraries to launch notifications. However, Deno hasn't yet stabilized foreign function interfaces (which allow Deno to call these native libraries). To allow running these unstable features, you must explictly tell Deno to allow calls to the unstable Deno.dlopen function.

Installing Manually

By default, the ffi library will automatically be downloaded via Plug to match your deno_notify version.

However, in some cases you may want to refer to a local version of the library files. To do so, you can set the environment variable NOTIFY_PLUGIN_URL to the path of the library file(s).

You can set the environment variable via command line, or directly through Deno via Deno.env.set(). (Note that you must import deno_notify after having set the environment variable for this option to take effect).

Known Issues


Pull request, issues and feedback are very welcome. Code style is formatted using deno fmt -c deno.jsonc. When adding new features, please also add tests in the tests directory.
