


Warning: ICRC7 has not been finalized. This is Beta software and should not be used in production until it has been reviewed, audited, and the standard finalized


mops add icrc7.mo


import ICRC7 "mo:icrc7.mo";


This ICRC7 class uses a migration pattern as laid out in https://github.com/ZhenyaUsenko/motoko-migrations, but encapsulates the pattern in the Class+ pattern as described at https://forum.dfinity.org/t/writing-motoko-stable-libraries/21201 . As a result, when you insatiate the class you need to pass the stable memory state into the class:

stable var icrc7_migration_state = ICRC7.init(ICRC7.initialState() , #v0_1_0(#id), ICRC7Default.defaultConfig
    , init_msg.caller);

  let #v0_1_0(#data(icrc7_state_current)) = icrc7_migration_state;

  private var _icrc7 : ?ICRC7.ICRC7 = null;

  private func get_icrc7_environment() : ICRC7.Environment {
      canister = get_canister;
      get_time = get_time;
      refresh_state = get_icrc7_state;
      add_ledger_transaction = add_trx;
      can_transfer = null;
      can_mint = null;
      can_burn = null;

  func icrc7() : ICRC7.ICRC7 {
        let initclass : ICRC7.ICRC7 = ICRC7.ICRC7(?icrc7_migration_state, Principal.fromActor(this), get_icrc7_environment());
        _icrc7 := ?initclass;
      case(?val) val;

The above pattern will allow your class to call icrc7().XXXXX to easily access the stable state of your class and you will not have to worry about pre or post upgrade methods.


The environment pattern lets you pass dynamic information about your environment to the class.

Input Init Args


This class stores metadata using ICRC16 compliant hierarchical objects. It utilizes the CandyLibrary(https://github.com/icdevsorg/candy_library) v0.3.0 to do this.

Users may use the Value type as well.

When metadata comes out of the class in ICRC7 it is downgraded to the Value type as described by the standard.

Why use ICRC16 as the input? ICRC16 provides the #Class type which allows an immutable flag on a list of properties. Using the update_nfts endpoint and property updates the user can change nested values in their metadata but provide assurances that immutable properties cannot be changed. In addition, internally, Maps and Classes are indexed by key and searches across large datasets can be more easily searched.

Since ICRC16 is a superset of Value, feel free to ignore this functionality and just use the Value Variant options and everything will work as intended.

Updates to existing metadata can be accomplished using the update_nfts function and providing a properties update object as specified in the Candy Classes.


The class uses a Representational Independent Hash map to keep track of duplicate transactions within the permitted drift timeline. The hash of the "tx" value is used such that provided memos and created_at_time will keep deduplication from triggering.

Event system


The class has a register_token_transferred_listener, register_token_mint_listener, and register_token_burn_listener endpoints that allows other objects to register an event listener and be notified whenever a token event occurs from one user to another.

This functionality is used by the ICRC37.mo component to clear approvals whenever a token changes hands or is burned.

The events are synchronous and cannot directly make calls to other canisters. We suggest using them to set timers if notifications need to be sent using the Timers API.

The Mint Notification handles both updates and mints. The new_token will be true for new mints.

  public type MintNotification = {
    memo: ?Blob;
    from: ?Account;
    to: Account;
    created_at_time : ?Nat64;
    hash : Blob;
    token_id : Nat;
    new_token : Bool; //true if this item has been minted before

  public type BurnNFTRequest = {
    memo: ?Blob;
    created_at_time : ?Nat64;
    tokens : [Nat];

  public type TransferNotification = {
    from : Account;
    to : Account;
    token_id : Nat;
    memo : ?Blob;
    created_at_time : ?Nat64;

  public type TokenTransferredListener = (TransferNotification, trxid: Nat) -> ();
  public type TokenBurnListener = (BurnNotification, trxid: Nat) -> ();
  public type TokenMintListener = (MintNotification, trxid: Nat) -> ();


The user may assign a function to intercept each transaction type just before it is committed to the transaction log. These functions are optional. The user may manipulate the values and return them to the processing transaction and the new values will be used for the transaction block information and for notifying subscribed components.

By returning an #err from these functions you will effectively cancel the transaction and the caller will receive back a #GenericError for that request with the message you provide.

Wire these functions up by including them in your environment object.

    can_transfer : ?((trx: Transaction, trxtop: ?Transaction, notification: TransferNotification) -> Result.Result<(trx: Transaction, trxtop: ?Transaction, notification: TransferNotification), Text>);
    can_mint : ?((trx: Transaction, trxtop: ?Transaction, notification: MintNotification) -> Result.Result<(trx: Transaction, trxtop: ?Transaction, notification: MintNotification), Text>);
    can_burn : ?((trx: Transaction, trxtop: ?Transaction, notification: BurnNotification) -> Result.Result<(trx: Transaction, trxtop: ?Transaction, notification: BurnNotification), Text>);
    can_update : ?((trx: Transaction, trxtop: ?Transaction, notification: UpdateNotification) -> Result.Result<(trx: Transaction, trxtop: ?Transaction, notification: UpdateNotification), Text>);