

Gameboy Cartridge Dumper

This is a rom that loads its main loop into ram on the Gameboy, lets you swap cartridges and then will dump the contents of that cartridge via a link cable to a Raspberry Pi listening for the ROM data.

Currently tested using an EMS 64M flashcart and both a Gameboy pocket and Gameboy Color.


Running in BGB


To Build

Get RGBDS (Rednex Game Boy Development System) and run make. The makefile assembles, links and fixes creating a cart-dumper.gb file to use.

To Use

Copy the cart-dumper.gb rom to a flash-cart, run it on a Gameboy, carefully remove the flashcart once it's running, carefully (slowly, sometimes going too fast will reboot the Gameboy) put a new cartridge in and then wait for the cartridge title to be shown on screen.

Once connected to a running listener via the link cable you can press Start on the Gameboy and it will send the cartridge data to the listener.