

Please Support This Project!

This project is being developed during my spare time. I find it to be very useful for people that are starting to use nZEDb and have little to no previous experience with Ubuntu/Debian Servers. I would appreciate a donation if you found it useful.

You can also support me by sending a BitCoin donation to the following address:


nZEDb Tested/Recommended Configuration

These scripts can be used to deploy nZEDb to a Virtual Machine or Hard Machine with the following specs:


A collection of scripts to automate and simplify the deployment of a nZEDb Usenet Indexer using the new format of their GitHub repository.


First Phase of the deployment. Execution goes like follows:


Second Phase of the deployment. Occurs after the FIRST reboot. Execution goes like follows:

The user M U S T configure the Admin portal before executing the third step.


Final Phase of the deployment. Occurs after the SECOND reboot. Execution goes like follows:

Hope it helps!


Inside the script you have to change the values that say:

YOUR_USERNAME <--- Make it your Ubuntu Username

YOUR_PASSWORD <--- Make it your selected Password

TO DOs (After installing)

cp /var/www/nzedb/nzedb/config/settings.example.php  /var/www/nzedb/nzedb/config/settings.php
sudo nano /var/www/nzedb/nzedb/config/settings.php

Change the Cache Type to:

define('nZEDb_CACHE_TYPE', 1);