

haybale: Symbolic execution of LLVM IR, written in Rust

crates.io License

haybale is a general-purpose symbolic execution engine written in Rust. It operates on LLVM IR, which allows it to analyze programs written in C/C++, Rust, Swift, or any other language which compiles to LLVM IR. In this way, it may be compared to KLEE, as it has similar goals, except that haybale is written in Rust and makes some different design decisions. That said, haybale makes no claim of being at feature parity with KLEE.

Okay, but what is a symbolic execution engine?

A symbolic execution engine is a way of reasoning - rigorously and mathematically - about the behavior of a function or program. It can reason about all possible inputs to a function without literally brute-forcing every single one. For instance, a symbolic execution engine like haybale can answer questions like:

Symbolic execution engines answer these questions by converting each variable in the program or function into a mathematical expression which depends on the function or program inputs. Then they use an SMT solver to answer questions about these expressions, such as the questions listed above.

Getting started

1. Install

haybale is on crates.io, so you can simply add it as a dependency in your Cargo.toml, selecting the feature corresponding to the LLVM version you want:

haybale = { version = "0.7.2", features = ["llvm-14"] }

Currently, the supported LLVM versions are llvm-9, llvm-10, llvm-11, llvm-12, llvm-13, and llvm-14.

haybale depends (indirectly) on the LLVM and Boolector libraries.

2. Acquire bitcode to analyze

Since haybale operates on LLVM bitcode, you'll need some bitcode to get started. If the program or function you want to analyze is written in C, you can generate LLVM bitcode (*.bc files) with clang's -c and -emit-llvm flags:

clang -c -emit-llvm source.c -o source.bc

For debugging purposes, you may also want LLVM text-format (*.ll) files, which you can generate with clang's -S and -emit-llvm flags:

clang -S -emit-llvm source.c -o source.ll

If the program or function you want to analyze is written in Rust, you can likewise use rustc's --emit=llvm-bc and --emit=llvm-ir flags.

Note that in order for haybale to print source-location information (e.g., source filename and line number) in error messages and backtraces, the LLVM bitcode will need to include debuginfo. You can ensure debuginfo is included by passing the -g flag to clang, clang++, or rustc when generating bitcode.

3. Create a Project

A haybale Project contains all of the code currently being analyzed, which may be one or more LLVM modules. To get started, simply create a Project from a single bitcode file:

let project = Project::from_bc_path("/path/to/file.bc")?;

For more ways to create Projects, including analyzing entire libraries, see the Project documentation.

4. Use built-in analyses

haybale currently includes two simple built-in analyses: get_possible_return_values_of_func(), which describes all the possible values a function could return for any input, and find_zero_of_func(), which finds a set of inputs to a function such that it returns 0. These analyses are provided both because they may be of some use themselves, but also because they illustrate how to use haybale.

For an introductory example, let's suppose foo is the following C function:

int foo(int a, int b) {
    if (a > b) {
        return (a-1) * (b-1);
    } else {
        return (a + b) % 3 + 10;

We can use find_zero_of_func() to find inputs such that foo will return 0:

match find_zero_of_func("foo", &project, Config::default(), None) {
    Ok(None) => println!("foo can never return 0"),
    Ok(Some(inputs)) => println!("Inputs for which foo returns 0: {:?}", inputs),
    Err(e) => panic!("{}", e),  // use the pretty Display impl for errors

Writing custom analyses

haybale can do much more than just describe possible function return values and find function zeroes. In this section, we'll walk through how we could find a zero of the function foo above without using the built-in find_zero_of_func(). This will illustrate how to write a custom analysis using haybale.


All analyses will use an ExecutionManager to control the progress of the symbolic execution. In the code snippet below, we call symex_function() to create an ExecutionManager which will analyze the function foo - it will start at the top of the function, and end when the function returns. In between, it will also analyze any functions called by foo, as necessary and depending on the Config settings.

let mut em = symex_function("foo", &project, Config::<DefaultBackend>::default(), None);

Here it was necessary to not only specify the default haybale configuration, as we did when calling find_zero_of_func(), but also what "backend" we want to use. The DefaultBackend should be fine for most purposes.


The ExecutionManager acts like an Iterator over paths through the function foo. Each path is one possible sequence of control-flow decisions (e.g., which direction do we take at each if statement) leading to the function returning some value. The function foo in this example has two paths, one following the "true" branch and one following the "false" branch of the if.

Let's examine the first path through the function:

let result = em.next().expect("Expected at least one path");

In the common case, result contains the function return value on this path, as a Boolector BV (bitvector) wrapped in the ReturnValue enum. Since we know that foo isn't a void-typed function (and won't throw an exception or abort), we can simply unwrap the ReturnValue to get the BV:

let retval = match result {
    Ok(ReturnValue::Return(r)) => r,
    Ok(ReturnValue::ReturnVoid) => panic!("Function shouldn't return void"),
    Ok(ReturnValue::Throw(_)) => panic!("Function shouldn't throw an exception"),
    Ok(ReturnValue::Abort) => panic!("Function shouldn't panic or exit()"),

result could also be an Err describing an Error which was encountered while processing the path. In this case, we could just ignore the error and keep calling next() to try to find paths which didn't have errors. Or we could get information about the error like this:

    Err(e) => panic!("{}", em.state().full_error_message_with_context(e)),

This gets information about the error from the program State, which we'll discuss next. But for the rest of this tutorial, we'll assume that we got the Ok result, and at this point retval is a BV representing the function return value on the first path.


For each path, the ExecutionManager provides not only the final result of the path (either aReturnValue or an Error), but also the final program State at the end of that path. We can get immutable access to the State with state(), or mutable access with mut_state().

let state = em.mut_state();  // the final program state along this path

To test whether retval can be equal to 0 in this State, we can use state.bvs_can_be_equal():

let zero = state.zero(32);  // The 32-bit constant 0
if state.bvs_can_be_equal(&retval, &zero)? {
    println!("retval can be 0!");

Getting solutions for variables

If retval can be 0, let's find what values of the function parameters would cause that. First, we'll add a constraint to the State requiring that the return value must be 0:


and then we'll ask for solutions for each of the parameters, given this constraint:

// Get a possible solution for the first parameter.
// In this case, from looking at the text-format LLVM IR, we know the variable
// we're looking for is variable #0 in the function "foo".
let a = state.get_a_solution_for_irname(&String::from("foo"), Name::from(0))?
    .expect("Expected there to be a solution")
    .expect("Expected solution to fit in 64 bits");

// Likewise the second parameter, which is variable #1 in "foo"
let b = state.get_a_solution_for_irname(&String::from("foo"), Name::from(1))?
    .expect("Expected there to be a solution")
    .expect("Expected solution to fit in 64 bits");

println!("Parameter values for which foo returns 0: a = {}, b = {}", a, b);

Alternately, we could also have gotten the parameter BVs from the ExecutionManager like this:

let a_bv = em.param_bvs()[0].clone();
let b_bv = em.param_bvs()[1].clone();

let a = em.state().get_a_solution_for_bv(&a_bv)?
    .expect("Expected there to be a solution")
    .expect("Expected solution to fit in 64 bits");

let b = em.state().get_a_solution_for_bv(&b_bv)?
    .expect("Expected there to be a solution")
    .expect("Expected solution to fit in 64 bits");

println!("Parameter values for which foo returns 0: a = {}, b = {}", a, b);


Full documentation for haybale can be found on docs.rs, or of course you can generate local documentation with cargo doc --open.


Currently, the official crates.io releases of haybale (0.7.0 and later) depend on Boolector 3.2.1 and LLVM 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, or 14, selected via feature flags llvm-9 through llvm-14. As of this writing, choosing an LLVM version has essentially no effect on haybale's features or interface; the only difference is the ability to analyze bitcode generated with newer LLVMs. (And the LLVM 10+ versions can process AtomicRMW instructions; see #12.)

For LLVM 8, you can try the llvm-8 branch of this repo. This branch is unmaintained, and is approximately at feature parity with haybale 0.2.1. It may work for your purposes; or you can update to LLVM 9 or later and the latest haybale.

LLVM 7 and earlier are not supported.

haybale works on stable Rust, and requires Rust 1.45 or later.

Under the hood

haybale is built using the Rust llvm-ir crate and the Boolector SMT solver (via the Rust boolector crate).


Version 0.7.2 (Oct 26, 2023)

Version 0.7.1 (Oct 21, 2021)

Version 0.7.0 (Aug 26, 2021)

Version 0.6.4 (Apr 22, 2021)

Version 0.6.3 (Oct 26, 2020)

Version 0.6.2 (Oct 20, 2020)

Version 0.6.1 (Sep 17, 2020)

Version 0.6.0 (Sep 1, 2020)

Version 0.5.1 (Aug 31, 2020)

Version 0.5.0 (Jul 29, 2020)


Renames which affect the public API:

32-bit targets and related changes:


Version 0.4.0 (Mar 31, 2020)

New features:


Other utility functions/methods:

Error handling:

Other notes:

Version 0.3.2 (Feb 28, 2020)

Version 0.3.1 (Feb 5, 2020)

Version 0.3.0 (Feb 5, 2020)

Solver timeouts:

Error handling:

Logging, error messages, backtraces, etc:

Function hooks and intrinsics:

Changes to data structures and traits:


Version 0.2.1 (Jan 15, 2020)

Version 0.2.0 (Jan 8, 2020)

Version 0.1.3 (Jan 1, 2020)

Version 0.1.2 (Dec 18, 2019)

Version 0.1.1 (Nov 26, 2019)

Changes to README text only; no functional changes.

Version 0.1.0 (Nov 25, 2019)

Initial release!